Caucasian mummies in Asia
Caucasian mummies in Central Asia
Ice Maiden of the Altai
There are other vids on Youtube about Caucasian mummies in Asia, plenty to keep anyone interested in this entertained for hours. These various mummies were buried roughly during the two millennia preceding the departure from Mongolia of a large federation of nomadic tribes the Chinese called the Xiongnu around the 2nd, 3rd or 4th centuries AD, after which they appear in Central Asia and Europe as the various “Hunnic” tribes. This correlates roughly with Xiongnu defeats and the fall of the Han dynasty (and I suspect that Han and Hun being liguistically close isn’t coincidence). I believe other “Xiongnu” went east, crossing to Japan from Korea and uniting the politically scattered tribes there under a number of Daimyo, who are noted to have been “horse” people (!!), loyal to an emperor … who was “descended from heaven” (!!!). I was looking at some renderings of these “Xiongnu” warriors and their garb struck me as closely resembling that of the early Samurai … but that’s a whole ‘nother can of beans.
The reason we care about these Xiongnu-come-Hunnic-tribes is because they were the base on which the Khazarian Empire was built, and the fount from which an “Eastern” incursion into Europe beginning during the reign of Charlemagne (I’m starting my stop-watch with the mass migration of Avars to Gaul following their defeat at the hands of Charlemagne’s son at the end of the 8th century … yeah, I know about Attila, but the Huns were beaten back that round… ) flowed. The really important migration, IMO, came with the taking over of modern Hungary by Magyars and Kabars in the late 9th century and the royal intermixing of blood which followed and of which the Arpad clan leaders of the Magyars was central, a matter which I detail in ‘Melissena’. Subsequently you also have both the rise of the Germanic ruling houses (see, again, ‘Melissena’) and a continuous wave of Ashkenazi (Jewish) migration from the former Khazarian empire into eastern Europe. I you are looking for the roots of the Jewish/Norman alliance, this is an important piece of the puzzle … so we do care who these nomadic tribes were, whether they were tied to the Holy Land or not and/or how many of them came to be Jewish.
Ohhh, if only they had kept written records. But they didn’t, so we have to do a lot of guessing.
STOP!!! These mummies are all caucasian. Caucasian features, many of them very tall, red or blond hair. Where does our word for caucasian come from? From the Caucasus of course! What country of note do we currently find there? Georgia. What does the Georgian flag look like? Like the Templar Cross. Who was St. George? A dragon slayer whose cross became the British flag. Now here’s why I put on the brakes … the earliest archeological finds which show human writing (cuneiform actually, similar to that of Sumer) are on tablets found in modern Romania. Which would lead one to think that there was a very early, very advanced caucasian peoples living north of the Black Sea, and that this may well be from where these “Turkic tribes” originated. And that may be true to some extent … BUT, if they were writing in cuneiform 6000 years ago, why did the nomadic tribes we are interested in leave no written records?!? [Edit (years after I wrote this) … the Royal Scythians who lived north and north-west of the Black Sea, some of whose racial cousins’ remains were preserved in the the Taklamakan desert, were Aryan, strictly speaking. Hitler was confused, his blond-haired Germans were Caucasian, not Aryan. This is asserted strongly by Nicholas de Vere in his writings and alluded to by Charles Dodgson in the book ‘Alice in Wonderland’ via the dodo’s ‘Caucus Race’]
I’m sort of stumped. I revert to the myths, which peg the origins of at least some of these tribes in Mesopotamia (and, given Arpad/Arvad and Ugarit/Ugric phonetic similarites, the Levant?). I suspect there was a lot of mixing back and forth, and I’m so very intriqued with the fact that these people appear to have been, particularly at the outset, red or blond-haired. Yuya, who I (and Stephen Franklin) suspect was Joseph of the bible, is a caucasian mummy of Egypt also red/blond haired. This “Red” thing seems to connect to the red and white crowns of Egypt, as well as to the “Rose/Rus-line” (Rosslyn???), the red crown being that of lower (northern) Egypt where the Hyksos ruled. I’m almost temped to connect the nomadic tribes with the Hyksos, for their capital in Egypt was Avaris which evokes the Avars.
In short, JEEEEZE I have so many questions. But what we can take from this is, ‘John’ of Ladon-Gog, who is much smarter than me, seems to be right when he frames the larger dragon blood-line in terms of a Hebrew/Aryan mix.
When I say Aryan, we are talking about an Indo/Iranian peoples. Hmmmm. Iran, if you look on a map of the ancient Near East, would have been, roughly Elam. Sumer and the Indus Valley were trading partners, in fact it was via the Indus Valley that dragon culture migrated to China (dragon-throne, Chinese pyramids, need I say more?). Elam, one of the “four corners”, sat in between.
Then you have the “biblical” angle, in which these caucasian peoples were “Japhetic”. Being that Magog (see my post ‘Magog’) was a son of Japheth and that the nomadic Turkic tribes are thought/accepted to be descended ultimately from Japheth (in biblical terms), Ashkenazi Jews who claim to be “Semitic” have sort of a big problem.
Actually, I believe that there were a good number of Isrelite refugees who migrated up into Scythia following Assyrian and Babylonian invasions in the Levant, so there’s a fair amount of mixing that probably went on over the centuries and maybe this influence was the catalyst which led to the Khazarian empire converting to Judaism. But again, JEEEZE, I have so many questions.
What I have put together is that an older name for Colchis or Kolkhis was Kolkhati or Kolkheti…Georgia. Herodotus relates Colchians to Egyptians and Ethiopians. At the time of Jason and his Argonauts both Aeetes and his brother Perses were called “Son of the Sun” just like they called kings in Egypt. We are told that Perses usurped the throne of Colchis from his brother, but was subsequently slain by Medea [the son of Medea kills Perses and calls the kingdom Media]. This would be the Medes… The Medes apparently sided with Tiglath-Pileser’s Assyrians and received part of the Ararat kingdom. What is closer to the truth is that Sarduri 2 [750-735 BC] took the royal city of Ildemusa from Aeetes. Sarduri 2 was followed by his son, Rusa 1 [735–714] who appears to be the Perses [of this story] and the name sake of the Rus-line. These folks were in fact European Caucasians with both Red and Blond hair. Sanders is “Spot” on…
"Rusa 1 [735–714] who appears to be the Perses [of this story] and the name sake of the Rus-line."
Nice work. Yes, yes, that explains a lot. So, from Rusa, essentially, you get all the "red" names, Russell, Roosevelt, Ross …
It has been a long “Rosen to hoe” but excluding the local natives & inter-breeding…the “Dragon” family was Western European…Cro-Magnon type. Eber…Iber…”Heber-ru”…aka future Israel/Jews…were European…Rosenberg means “one who resided by a place or area of Rose” which is very German. [Germanii was one of the tribes of Cy-Rus] Rosenbloon, Rosengart, Rosenblum, Rosegren, or Rosenfeld can imply either a person with red hair or a ruddy complexion.
Add Ross, the Earls of Ross, Roosevelt, Russell, the Varangian Rus, even Russia got its name from this brand of dragons …
You say 'German', well, the root of 'German' is 'Kerman' … a part of modern Iran which, on an old map I have from the 1st century, is marked as 'MEGAN', i.e., the Megan David??? (Star of David/Seal of Solomon), and a locale which is also a strong candidate for Aratta, the mythical birthplace of the first 'Great Mother Goddess', the Sumerian Inanna.
Kerman is also where the horse was originally domesticated.
“Hershlag” born in Israel and part “Rus”…
(Removed broken link.)
I wanted something that showed the eyes…My gosh "Nefertiti…
Well, I liked her in the Black Swan.
She’s clueless. As are so many other prominent faces which we see on TV. Hey, they are ALL clueless. Anyone who has a clue can’t get on TV!?! That’s the point.
OK Sanders…time for me to put you back to work.
We agree…Rusa 1 [735-714 BC] appears to be the name sake of the Rus-line. Rusa can be “Red” as in red hair or ruddy complexion. As you have pointed out…it can also represent the flower… “Rose”.
Names like Adam and Edom relate to red & ruddy. When Noah finally rested we hear of the rainbow.
The goddess of the flower and the rainbow was “Iris”.
Is it a stretch to find “Irish” in “Iris”?
Could Cyrus relate to Zephyrus, Hesperus, Khlorus, Eurus, and Sirus?
Maybe Iris is actually Irus or Irius!