Saxons, Angles, Jutes and Goths

This should be short and sweet.  

The Saxons, Angles and Jutes all appear to have been, essentially, twigs off of the same branch (at least with regard to their kings) as the "Vikings".   All, apocryphally, descend from Woden.   The actual genealogy might be in question.  Maybe the legends about Woden were largely fiction, highly exaggerated or classic myth-writing.  But I suspect someone known in the Norse sagas as Woden or Odin existed and was a powerful king, controlled a lot of territory and had many children.   Among Woden's sons are recorded the patriarchs of the Saxons, Jutes and the Angles.   You can take that with a big grain of salt, but it's pretty clear that all of these peoples were from the same Germanic branch which also produced who we call the "Vikings".  That's what the legends and sagas are telling us, and the location of the original Saxon lands just to the south of modern Denmark pretty much confirm it. 

The Goths appear to have split off from these peoples farther up the branch, descending from Helmut of the Goths, the brother of Godwulf (ancestor of Woden).  For the record, the tribes which collectively became the Franks split off much earlier.

As for peoples like the Celts, dunnoh about them.  They were already in Gaul long before the proto-Germanic tribes apparently set out from the Black Sea region.

Anyway, to sort of cap all of this Germanic stuff off, I'll say one more thing and then post a simplified genealogy which traces (generally, pseudo-historically) all the way from Jacob father of the patriarchs of the Tribes of Israel to the Goths, Angles, Saxons, Merovingian Franks, Kings of Mercia and Kent, and plunderer of northern France Rollo the Viking .  

German/Germania finds it's root in KERMAN.  Kerman, a region in modern Iran east of ancient Sumer, is a strong candidate for the mythical birthplace of Innana the Sumerian Mother Goddess of fertility and war.  Later I'll show that Magan, a name visible, whether meaningfully or not, in the term "Magan David" (i.e. Star of David, Seal of Solomon), was likely a place in, or synonymous with, Kerman.   Kerman also evokes Herman as in Mt. Herman (Mt. Sion) and, bust my buttons, the Greek diety Hermes.  

This stuff just all fits together so neatly sometimes I have a hard time believing it's all coincidence.  (… Actually, hehe, I don't. )  

That said …


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7 Comments to 'Saxons, Angles, Jutes and Goths'

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  1. admin said,

    What I'm curious about is, what role did climate play in all of these incursions from the Eastern Mediterranean to Britain?  You have the Tuatha de Danaan,  the Milesians, the Celts … and this legend of Brutus "the Trojan".  I assume, or tend to believe, that these peoples (their leaders actually) carried this conquering spirit which I correlate with "dragon-culture" (I say that for all of the reasons peppered throughout this site).   But did these migrating peoples simply dominate the indigenous populations, as I believe happened in Japan circa the 4th century?  Or were the British Isles less inhabitable prior to these invasions and open for the pickings?   And was the tin mined in Danmoni (Devon, Cornwall) by Near-East mariners (Phoenicians, Tuatha de Danaan et al) for their bronze a trigger for the migrations?    – Just speculating.  

  2. admin said,

    Oh, with regard to the "east-west" thing, I'm pretty convinced there were important migrations in that direction post-biblical era, but things like the Carnac Dracontium in Brittany, which is, what, 6 or 7 thousand years old? … tells me that there's alot more to it going back farther.  Makes me wonder, where was Hyperborea?  Atlantis?  Makes me think the Near East wasn't the starting point, just a re-start recent enough in our history that we know about it.   (More speculation!)

  3. admin said,

    "Japan = look at this old boy:.."

    Ahh, the Ainu.   I lived in Hokkaido for 3 years.   Yes, conspicuously caucasian looking people.  DNA tests apparently connect them to the Tibet area.  

  4. elreb said,

    Now you have got me thinking again.
    First off, I would rather go with “Creusa” over “Cassandra” to avoid any confusion with King Agamemnon of Mycenae.
    But speaking of Brutus of Britain, I noted that Greater Britain’s were called “Britons” and Lesser Britain’s [Brittany] were called “Bretons”.
    I think, I am starting to see the movement now going from East to West…
    With a founding date of Rome at 758-728 BC…is making my Troy II date of 850 BC looking pretty good…

  5. elreb said,

    Troy VI shows a natural disaster perhaps earthquake and Tsunami…
    Perseus was fighting a natural disaster in the form of his Kracken which was most likely the Tsumami and part of Moses parting the waves…
    I’m pretty sure that Atlandis/Doggerland went thru many changes…both positive and negative…
    In most cases, more advanced migrating peoples did simply dominate the indigenous populations…
    Japan = look at this old boy:

  6. elreb said,

    [Makes me wonder, where was Hyperborea?  Atlantis?] 
    I would say yes…with folks moving South…then Eastward…

  7. elreb said,

    As you know, I believe that “Orientals” are “Native American Indians” traveling from America to China.
    The Ainu and Jomon fit perfectly into my model  i.e. 14,000 BC to 4000 BC as being white

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