New Article

I've been working on a piece about a film, 'Pan's Labyrinth', the true meaning hidden beneath its surface and how that correllates with a fairly recent book about the esoteric traditions titled 'The Secret History of the World'.

I can't tell you how excited I am by these discoveries and the article I keep trying to finish – week after week.  I just haven't been able to finish it … but I figured out the problem.  There was just too much ground to cover in one go, and so I decided to focus first on the mystery religions of Troad in a separate piece.

And there's no better way to introduce the "mysteries" than via the fable of Pinocchio.


Anyway, I've finished, tentitavely, a little piece on Pinocchio.   I'll probably add some images in the next few days to spice it up, so check back.   And, hopefully, a forthcoming article on Pan's Labyrinth will be finished and up very soon.

Cheers 😉

2 Comments to 'New Article'

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  1. Alexey said,

    Hey, Uroko. You Have to read this man:

  2. admin said,

    I've started reading it.  Thanx for the link!

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