Godfrey de Bouillon
He led the 1st crusade. There is a statue of him in Innsbruck, his helmet is encircled by a crown of thorns. In short, Godfrey was known to be a scion of the bloodline of Christ, and people knew it.
Gee, what a coincidence then, that he would have led the first Crusade? – There were people behind him, and it was no coincidence. The desposinic bloodline of the House of Lorraine was making a bid to overturn the Catholic Church and restore true royalty to the thrones of Europe … they decided to start with Jerusalem.
They did not succeed over the long haul, the Templars mucked it all up and lost the Holy City. While the “elite-bloodline” was in control of Jerusalem however (and it wasn’t Godfrey himself, he refused the crown and died soon after), the ‘Grail Romances’ began to be published. The “Courts of Love” emerged. This was a concerted effort on the part of interconnected dynasties who were both blood-connected and sympathetic to the cause of the Crusade, which in fact was to change the culture of Europe – away from the strict dogma of the Catholic Church. (Aquitaine, Anjou, Flanders, Champagne, Toulous, and the Germanic Houses of Hohenstaufen, Brunswick, Wettin and possibly Babenburg are Houses that I suspect supported the Lorraine cause and are worth more investigation.)
Hi Sanders!
I'd like to suggest you to make a facebook page and tie your webpage with it. It would be good if i could follow your work there. I have a great seed from a ton of historical revision sites and i'd like to have your site among them. People would get notified whenever a comment is made on a subject you posted there. Many many blogs and sites use the help of facebook. And with facebook, you don't have to be there all the time, the community would do a big deal of contribution to the site and your work. The bigger the community, the bigger your influence. Aaand you said you're writing a book. If you build up a community until it's released, you'll automatically have a great bunch of people buying your book and sharing it all over their acquintances and other research communities. Uroko would be more alive, all in all. Do it, advertise it on your homepage, newsfeed, comments, and at the youtube movie's comment section. And then wait for the people to pour in. 🙂
Thanks for making the site and the movie, it helped to kickstart my research motivation! 🙂 I saw it in April. Nothing is the same anymore 😛
Thank you again for listening. And sorry for not knowing your first name 😉