A Norman Conspiracy? – pt1
I seem to be bouncing around, between posts about elves, about Obama-Care, about the Roman Church and the desposyni (the descendants of Christ and his family) – what if I told you these are all chapters in a single narrative?
Even if in outline, the whole story can’t be presented in a post. It would take a book. But, it’s fertile ground and fun to write and read about. It actually relates to the world we are presented with daily. (That’s why all of this interests me so much.)
In this post, I hope to begin at the “beginning” (ancient Scythia) and end with the Knights Templar. Let’s see how I do.
There were a real people, the Ancient Scythians, who fled the great Black Sea flood thousands (probably 6 or 7) of years ago, leaving the Black Sea region. Some settled in Sumer 6 thousand years ago, and their leaders, “Royal Scythians,” took over and built the first (by the reckoning of scholars) human civilization – Sumer.
They and their hierarchical societal system was not only successful, it spread. Egypt was one place they went, but lots of these people (seemingly, and according to Nicholas de Vere) went to Ireland, and from there the greater British Isles. (Apparently they didn’t migrate to Britannia from Sumer, but directly from Scythia.) After a couple thousand years ruling their several mini-kingdoms, they were pushed aside, not only losing their power (to the Vikings and then the expanding Church of Rome) but reduced to beggars living on the outskirts of early urban Britain. Eventually they all died off, but their memory lingers in the form of our stories of elves and fairies. I have uncovered evidence that one of the, if not the, last surviving “elven” clans was starving to death in Ireland as late as the end of the 18th century. (You can bet that I’ll be writing about that soon!)
The most disruptive event (to the elven kings) of all was surely the takeover of the English throne by William, the Duke of Normandy, aka ‘William the Conqueror.’ William was a direct descendant of Rollo the Viking, who had, a few generations earlier, invaded northern France and caused such a ruckus that he and his ‘Norsemen’ won a big piece of real-estate from the French king at the time – Charles ‘the Simple’ – which we still call Normandy.
I had a hunch one day that Charles Dodgson, aka Lewis Carroll, alluded to the takeover of the English throne by Duke William of Normandy, ‘the Conqueror,’ in his two Alice in Wonderland books – I was right, he left us a clue, the “dry” speech by the Mouse in which he describes the exact moment when the last Aetheling (elven) King (Edgar) submitted to William the Conqueror.
William stole the lands and property of the Angle and Saxon nobility and gave it all to his friends and cousins who had helped him conquer England. They became the new aristocracy of England.
There were other Normans afoot who would change the course of the world, the Templar remnant which immigrated and set up the British East India Company in 1700.
By the beginning of the 17th century, disgruntled descendants of the Templar Knights had fled from Spain and Portugal (to where their ancestors had fled centuries earlier when the Order was banned in France) to England (and Holland) to escape persecution (or, looking for a more business-friendly environment) as the Spanish Inquisition continued in Spain and Portugal. They, along with Jewish merchants who had also fled, created the British and Dutch East India Companies. The Templar remnant in Spain and Portugal had a close and profitable relationship with Jewish merchants there, not only did Jewish merchants in Spain and Portugal help fund expeditions and sell the valuable goods brought back from the far corners of the world, the Templars were created, really, to protect and serve the Bloodline of Christ – which was a Davidic, Jewish bloodline. Yes, these Templars were regarded as Christian servants of the Pope, but let’s not forget who created the order – the House of Lorraine. Bernard de Clairveaux was their patriarch, and he used his influence to promote Innocent II to the papacy. They had their own inside-guy sitting at the top post in Rome! – That’s why the Templars were granted so much power, tax-exemptions and the like, which allowed them to quickly become the most powerful force in Christendom.
It didn’t last of course, the Templars were purged in the early 14th century. Some were burned at the stake, some fled to Scotland (and, allegedly, helped Robert the Bruce win independence from England), some of these Templars, the original “international bankers,” fled to Switzerland (where the Bank of International Settlements now resides), some became pirates, and this is why the Templar symbol of the Skull and Bones became the ‘Jolly Roger’ icon we all associate with pirates (it’s actually a Grail symbol, and in this case is named for Roger II of Sicily, a Templar), and some fled to Spain and Portugal where they joined existing orders or took on a different name (the Portugese ‘Knights of Christ’). What is known as the ‘Spanish Golden Age’ or, the ‘Age of Exploration’ (whereby mariners mapped out a good portion of the world) was entirely attributable to the Templar presence in the Iberian peninsula (i.e., Spain and Portugal).
Something that needs to be said at this juncture, is that prior to the purging of the Knights Templar in France, they lost the Holy Land. They screwed up big-time, they had become arrogant, and their “parent” organization, the ‘Priory of Scion,’ had had enough. It appears that the elite of the Priory actually aided Phillip IV of France in disbanding the Order. After 1308, the Templars were no longer the military/business arm of the House of Lorraine – they were on their own. The “Bloodline of Christ” wanted nothing more to do with this order that, while becoming incredibly rich, had grown out of proportion and had shown itself to be arrogant, incompetent and disloyal.
But while the “Priory” and the “Bloodline” had washed its hands of the Templars, they were still a powerful force, the Templars had, for a century or two, created an international banking network and a commercial trade operation over the whole of Christendom. Do you not think that they would take this influence and expertise and not parlay it into success in the lands where they would be driven after their purge from France???
Of course they did. And when the Spanish Inquisition started to impinge on their freedoms there (they were descended, of course, from “heretics”), they left and relocated to England and Holland (from where the Catholic Church had recently been kicked out of – Queen Elizabeth had recently embraced the Anglican Church, the Netherlands had finally kicked out the Spanish).
So, what happened next?
The British and Dutch East India Companies were established. (Beginning of the 17th century.) Spanish dominance on the high seas tanked, Britain (and next in line, Holland) became the dominant sea-traders of the world.
And, soon after, ‘Freemasonry’ came out of the closet. This was a renaming of the Templar Knights, and it was the Templar traditions that were re-established with Freemasonry. Not only were the important investors, ships-captains, Governors and the like of the British East India Company often Freemasons, Freemasonic lodges sprang up all along the trade routes – in Africa, in India, in China.