Elves and Fairies pt 3
I’ll be quite busy this next week (found a job, finally, whoo-hoo! – and am moving – yuck) and may not have time to write much, but I wanted to sort of tie up the “Elf” thing, which is related to my earlier posts titled ‘The Roman Church vs. the Descendants of Jesus and his Family.’
If you haven’t figured it out yet, or if I haven’t said it in explicit terms, Jesus (like his whole extended Davidic family) was an elf, or, of the same royal blood as people in other parts of the world, notably in what we now call Great Britian, that we remember as “elves” and “fairies.” Members of his family, allegedly (and there’s lots of clues out there that support this notion), migrated to both the south of France and south-western England (or, what is now England) after the crucifixion. In Britain, this Davidic blood mixed with local fairy blood, resulting in what looks like two lines of descent, one beginning with the union of Jesus’ niece Anna to Bran “the Blessed Raven” King of Siluria. The two lines rejoined when Aminadab married Eurgen, and their direct descendants are the ‘Fisher Kings.’ (I included a link to this family tree at the end my Terdelaschoye post – and while I didn’t list each of the dozen or so Fisher Kings, their names are pretty easy to find if you Google.)
What does all this suggest? That what has been referred to as the ‘Grail Family’ or the ‘Grail Bloodline’ through the centuries is the product of this merging of the blood of what we now refer to as Elves and Fairies with the that of the descendants of Jesus and his family, the desposyni.
Elf, Alf, Albi, Fairy, Archdruid, Dragon, Messiah (which derives from the name of the holy Egyptian crocodile whose fat was used to annoint the Pharaohs – the Messeh!), these terms all meant the same thing. One of royal blood – in the ancient sense of the word – NOT just someone with an army who cowtowed to the Church – like William the Conqueror – and/or was anointed by the Pope as Emperor.
William the Conqueror, Duke of Normandy and later King of England, threw the Aethelings from power. The Aethelings were “elven,” and one of the most important kings in British history was Alfred the Great, an Aetheling. (Alfred should be read: Elf-Red, i.e. the Great Red Elf – in fact, his name in his own time was spelled, like the word Aetheling, with an ‘E’ after the ‘A,’ Aelfred. Look up Alfred the Great on Wikipedia – why, after his name near the top of the page, does it say “elf council”???)
So, one day I had a hunch that Charles Dodgson (aka Lewis Carroll) alluded to this takeover in his characters the Red and White Queens, the White Queen representing, of course, the “elves”/Aethelings/desposyni (etymologically, ‘elf’ comes from ‘alf’/’alb’/’alp,’ which derives from the Latin ‘alpus,’ meaning ‘white’), and the Red Queen representing William the Conqueror, the Church which backed him, and others like him. Why should he, Duke William, be “red”? – because he was BRUTAL – look up the Harrowing of the North, William’s campaign to subjugate the north of England after his takeover …. he and his Normans actually salted the earth (after they killed anything that moved over the whole of that part of England) so that nothing would grow for a generation. “Off with their heads!”
Were my instincts correct, did Dodgson leave us any clues as to his intent? Yes, I think, and yes, he did. The mouse’s “dry” speech in book one – Alice in Wonderland. The mouse recounts the very moment that Edgar the Aetheling submits to William the Conqueror outside of London in 1066.
This struggle, of which William’s usurpation was just a single watershed event, lasted for centuries. It started when the Roman Church compiled the Bible, switched the Sabbath from Saturday (Saturn/”Satan”‘s day) to Sunday (in a bid to win favor with Emperor Constantine, who was a follower of ‘Sol Invictus’ – a “Sun” cult), and established its own churches around the Mediterranean. The desposynic leaders of their own Gnostic churches saw the writing on the wall and went to Rome in 318 to speak with Pope Sylvester. They presented a list of grievances. Sylvester told them to all go jump in a lake.
The Merovingian Kings of Gaul (France), whose blood joined with that of the elves/desposyni we call the “Grail Family” when Frotmund (son of Boaz – called Anfortaz in Parzival) married Hatilde, Princess of the Franks, made a pact with the Roman Church under Clovis I (the Great). Things worked out for a century or so, but relations went south under Dagobert II, and Pepin (the Fat) of Herstal, the Mayor of the Palace and in collusion with the Church, had Dagobert murdered.
Why? Because Dagobert as an infant had been kidnapped and his throne ursurped, had been raised in exile in Ireland (“fairy” country), was Gnostic in his beliefs, knew how he had been mistreated and knew who had been behind it, and, after returning to Gaul and reclaiming his throne in adulthood, treated the Church of Rome and its Bishops with distain.
Dagobert II’s son, Sigesbert (IV), apparently was whisked away to the south of France by his sister after their father’s murder. This is controversial, but there is a document which was dug up by Henry Lincoln and his co-writers (of Holy Blood Holy Grail) dated to the 8th century, the time in which Sigesbert lived, in which a monastery was founded by Sigesbert and his wife – who is named in the document …. Magdala!!! (Could be a coincidence, but I suspect, since “elves”/desposyni, i.e. true royalty, rarely married outside of their own race, that this ‘Magdala’ was descended from Mary the Magdalene, who legends tell led out her life after the crucifixion in southern France.)
Well, fast forward to the early 13th century. The Church sponsored a crusade to get rid of the Gnostics in the south of France for once and for all. I can only conclude that this was an attack on the “Grail family” and their followers. It is known as the Albigensian Crusade. It was a 35 year long killing spree, the Cathars were wiped out.
Albi means “elf.” Gens means “race.” (Literally, it was a crusade to wipe out the elves.) And while Wikipedia will tell you that the crusade was named for the French town of Albi (near Toulous), the Coat of Arms of Albi features the Cross of Lorraine … so the point is moot.
But that’s food for a future post.