Rennes-le-Chateau pt1
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Henry Lincoln got sucked into the research and the writing that he and his two co-writers did which led to the publishing of Holy Blood Holy Grail when he bought a book while on vacation about the mystery of Rennes-le-Chateau, a small church in southern France. That led him to produce 3 documentaries about the Grail bloodline and the Templars for the BBC, which in turn led to the book which inspired Ron Brown’s the DaVinci Code.
The “mystery of Rennes-le-Chateau” revolves around the story of a Catholic priest, Berenger Saunier, who was appointed parishioner of a small church atop a mountain in the south of France in his youth in the later half of the 19th century. His stipend was only about 7 or 8 pounds a year (in 19th century money), barely enough to survive on (if that), but suddenly late in the century he (allegedly) found parchments hidden in one of the pillars of the alter of the chapel while doing renovations to the run-down church. He showed these parchments to his superior who sent him to Paris to meet with Emile Hoffet, a young priest knowledgable in cryptography. Soon Saunier found himself showered with affection, welcomed into the inner circle of Paris esoteric elite, wined and dined, and very likely fell into an affair with the reigning French operatic diva of the time, Emma Calve. His life was changed forever.
Saunier returned to Rennes-le-Chateau and embarked on massive renovation projects to the church. He built a tower, the Tour de Magdala, at one of its corners, constructed a villa on the property he named ‘Bethany,’ (the name of the town Mary the Magdalene apparently lived) and built roads and installed waterworks in the town. Many of the modifications he made to the church are unsettling – he decorated it with bizarre paintings, a statue of Asmodeus (a demon born of the union of King David and the succubus Agrat Bat Mahlat), and had the words “Teribilus Est Locus Iste” (this place is terrible) chiseled into the stone above the entrance. Not only did he suddenly come into enough money to finance all of these projects, he became filthy rich himself, and enjoyed a constant stream of visitors to his hilltop church, notably at least one visit from Joseph von Hapsburg.
The Habsburgs were integrated into their lineage inheritance of the Counts of Barcelona, former counts of Septimania, which was Rennes le Chateau.
I enclose a link so exposed and mystery of this finding Berenger Saunier. It is written in Catalan and dialogue with the article of the Phoenicians and the Vikings.
This paper presents the Merovingian lineage Visigoth and joined in the shape of the Counts of Razes in Septimania, then under the guise of the Counts of Barcelona. The myth of Mary Magdalene hides the root of blood between cultures Egyptian, French and Visigoth. The thesis is exposed indicates that Mary Magdalene was not the wife of Jesus was not relate with the Merovingian dynasty. Mary Magdalene hides the root of the current Egyptian Benedictine Catholic Christianity, coming from Magalona, also Septimania through St. Benedict of Aniane, the real driving force of the Order thanks to the will of Charlemagne.
The Holy Alliance, the Holy Grail and the mystery of Mary Magdalene is the bond of blood between Septimània settled in Egyptian culture (Phoenician), the Franks and the Visigoths. This alliance of the First Crusade motivated due to the invitation of the Fatimids (Phoenicians) and was driven by the people Hebrew / Christian.
Forgive me, I had a little difficulty understanding your exact meaning, but the 'Grail' bloodline is indeed rooted in an Egyptian/Phoenician mix that passed through Crete and established itself in Greece and in the Trojan kingdom. The Trojan wars sent many of these peoples north and west, and they basically took over in Europe and Britain when the Roman Empire collapsed. The most elite of the royal dynasties that ruled these "barbarians," those that intermarried with desposyni at least, went underground as the Roman Church gained power. Apparently some have survived ('Rex Deus'). The Hapsburgs seem to be of this ilk.