Avar, Angle … Var-angian?

Not long after Charlemagne subdued the Moors in Septimania with the help of Makhir he and his son Pippin went on the offensive against the kingdom of the Avars, bordering his Frankish kingdom to the south-east (in what is now essentially Hungary and Romania).  

We are very interested in these Avars, because there has been speculation that Avar may have something to do with names like Vere (the Veres have hovered on the periphery of the English throne while serving as Earls of Oxford for the better part of a thousand years), and Var-angian as in Vladimir and Inger of the Varangian Rus.  In myth and fiction, Avalon of the Arthurian legends could also be a derivation of Avar, as could Avari, a branch of elves in Tolkien's 'Lord of the Rings' trilogy.  In the Hungarian origins myth of the White Stag (mentioned in 'the Huns'), the twins Hunor and Magor, marry (or rape) princesses in the forests of Scythia who are alternately Sarmatian or Avar, giving rise to the Hun and Magyar tribes.  Since historically it was the Kabars that accompanied Magyar tribes to Hungary, this myth lends some credence to a less-than-mainstream theory that the Kabars grew out of the Avars.

Surprisingly, an Avar cross was found that bears a striking resemblance to the cross of the coats of arms of Rangabe (Melissena's line) and Bouillon.  

Avar cross Rangabe crest Bouillon crest
Avar  cross Rangabe crest Bouillon crest

Geoffrey Bouillon was a prominent leader of the 1st Crusade, and Bouillon is a town in modern Belgium near the French border near Luxembourg (the crest of Luxembourg was included in my collection of "blue-and-white" crests in the Melissena article).  In this same area, which was then Flanders, was Hesbaye.   

To get a better feel of  where these places were, the borders and regions on the map below are modern.  At the time this was all part of the Frankish kingdom (except for England of course), which Charlemagne ruled from Aachen.  

One Count of Hesbaye was Ingerman, who lived at about the right time to have been the father of Melissena's husband Inger, an idea bolstered by the fact that Ingerman could possibly have been closely related to Rurik, the first chieftain of the Varangian Rus.   (This idea and supporting clues, as well as some of the other info in this article were forwarded or insired by John, author of 'Tracking Ladon-Gog'.  While I don't share John's religious views, I can't praise him enough for his knowledge and talent in untangling the roots of the elite.)  

Note Weirengen on the map near the top of the Netherlands.   This is the site of rich treasures which were found, implying that the town was a Viking stronghold.   The name tells us exactly what it was, it was a stronghold of the Vikings who came to be called Varangians.  

The earliest mention in writings of this town (as 'Wirense') is in a list of property that was transferred from Weirenger to a monastery in Fulda.  What could be going on here?  Why would Varangian property be bequeathed to a monastery in the heart of Charlemagne's kingdom? 

The records of the monastery at Fulda date to the late 8th or early 9th century … which would have been just after Charlemagne's son Pippin conquered the Avar kingdom.  The Tudun (governor) of the western Avars apparently had allied himself with Pippen leading to the defeat of the larger Avar kingdom, and an unknown number of western Avars were removed to the Frankish Empire.  

The Avars were baptised and remained in France while their Tudun was sent back to the now subject Avar kingdom to keep an eye on things.  It is for the Avar community in France apparently that towns like Avord and Avaricon (now Bourges), a little bit west of Autun, got their names.

It's worth noting that Theodoric, suspected to have been Makhir the Exhilarch of Narbonne, carried the title of Count of Autun.  

There's one last piece of the puzzle.  The name of the Avar Kagan (king) at the time of Charlemagne's death was recorded.   His name was Abraham, and his successor was Isaac. 

So, the Avars were Jewish???   Or maybe the more pertinent question would be, were the Avars "Hebrew"?   Here's my take on all this.   If you look at these Avars as essentially one of many Hebrew conquering tribes which set out from Canaan and Mesopotamia in biblical times, coming to rule their own kingdom in eastern Europe, and the Franks and Vikings (and Angles and Saxons…) as comprising a separate conquering branch with the same Hebrew Canaanite/Mesopotamian roots, then they all have something fundamental in common.   Forget about who's Jewish, or Christian, or pagan.   Because this is what I believe has bound the various blood-lines of the ruling caste of Europe all along – dragon roots, conquering culture, a belief in their own divine right to rule.   That's not to say every duke or count of Medieval Europe was fully conscious of this, I don't know (although modern author Nicholas de Vere claims he does and that his family roots trace back to the Mittani), or that these tribes and peoples didn't fight as often as they (or I should say, their leaders, who are really who we are talking about) intermarried.   

Recall the myth of Melusine … and that in one version of the story she marries a de Vere.  Is this to document the Avar component in Inger's Germanic branch when it married the Byz/Khazar/Hun branch of Melissena?  How could Inger be considered an Avar?  He was a VAR-angian, by the recorded accounts.  Why did "Var-angian" Vikings transfer their property from a town on the North Sea to inner France?  Maybe they had come to be on good terms with Charlemagne and were moving?

I can't speculate much more than that, but I will offer this in closing.   The Varangian Rus leader Vladimir I Grand Prince of Kiev may or may not be from whom the Vlad family name derives, but he was the first Vladimir (among others) in his line and sons and daughters customarily took the fathers name as a surname (i.e. Yaroslav Vladimirovich).   Vladimir had an army of offspring.  That taken along with the blue and white theme of the following crest, it's my guess that this is the crest of the descendants of Vladimir I.  (Don't forget that much of Melissena's Khazar/Hun/Byz blood flowed to Europe's nobility through Vladimir's children by Anna Porphyrogenita.)

Crest of Vlad
crest of Vlad





That's not a Jewish symbol.   It's a pagan symbol, it represents the dualism of Kabbalah.  We call it the Magen David.   Is this "Magen" the Hebrew word for shield, as we read?   Or Magan, the place-name of a copper-rich location referred to in Sumerian texts, possibly correlating with Aratta, the mythical birthplace of the Sumerian Great Mother, Innana?  

I bumped into a map one day while looking into the trading ties between Sumer and the Indus Valley … and was surprised to see Kerman, a region of modern Iran which is a good candidate for the mythical land of Aratta, marked as Magan.  (!!!) – and if THAT doesn't blow your skirt up, 'German', as in 'Germanic' (i.e., the Franks, the Saxons, the Vikings et al) apparently derives from 'Kerman'  (… Kerman = Magan) !!!




Copyright (c) 2015 Eric Westfall.
Original content may be quoted or replicated under the Fair Use doctrine. All other rights reserved.

4 Comments to 'Avar, Angle … Var-angian?'

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  1. peter de grayden said,

    the de grayden crest is the same as the de lusignons

  2. Manannan said,

    Speaking of de Vere, Tolkien named a group of his elves Avari. These did not go with the rest of the elves on their migration and stayed behind as wild men of the forests and caves. When man comes into contact with them, they teach man arts of civilization. This is similar to ancient myths about forest-dwelling wild men (who are usually hairy) teaching skills such as agriculture (The Basajaun of Basque myths comes to mind) which some speculate could be a sort of a "memory" about Neanderthals. I don't know what Tolkien had access to at Oxford, but I've been telling people for years that he knew something about our ancient history.
    In Hebrew, the term "avar" means to cross. A phoentically related word in Sumerian is ebiru which also means to cross in the context of a river (Earthly or "celestial"). Musebiru refers to some sort of a transport; to bring across. Mus + Ebiru… Moses + Hebrew? I am not an Abrahamist and neither think the exodus is history or an account that is to be taken literally. But it is a strange "coincidence" that that Hyksos lived in a city called Avaris. It's probably not a coincidence at all. Manetho thought the Hyksos were ancestors of the Jews which is where the Hyksos=Hebrew theories came from to begin with. Modern Egyptologists and even biblical historians reject the theory because it does not match the biblical account. There is also evidence of horse buriel related to the Vedic horse sacrifice indicating they were an Aryan culture. This in addition to the only real evidence of Minoan culture outside of Crete (which was also found in a part of Palestine).
    Whoever the historical Hebrews really were, the modern Jews are only part of the whole story. The Avars are probably another. I also have some sort of an unconscious intuitive "feeling" that both the Trojan and Phoenicians are related to their legacy. And I also have this theory that what little we know of Trojans and especially Phoenicians despite their huge historical importance and legacy has a lot to do with supression. Who would supress this info? I think there are plenty of clues that cults exist among elite bloodlines which to this day still participate in child sacrifice. Those are the people supressing it

  3. saa said,

    hello, I'm an Avar and 7 generations before me my grandgrand—- father was one who helped fight off the Nadirshax iranian invasion from dagestan  or so.
    And my family is of royal blood but we pretty much lost everything since russian conquered us.
    the thing is… when they conquered us, most of the libraries and any book and history connected to us… the AVARS were taken to moscow to a secret archive, that is, we don't know where we come from, who we are.
    So… this story is interesting and this is the first time I read something about avars that is not so … weird.
    I'd like to know more.. but how?
    Where does the writer takes all that information?

    also… indagestan there are many villages in the mountains whos vilalgers are jews.. and their hebrew is a very old one. but they are avar jews if you would take it from paternal side… lel.
    everything's so confused…

  4. admin said,


    Thank you so much for commenting.  You have a very noble heritage, especially if there is some royal Avar blood in you.  Yes, it is confused!  

    I’m fascinated with the Avars, partly because so little is known of them, and also because I believe they played a significant role in the history of western civilization. The Avalon/Varangian/Avari clues are especially intriguing, given the probability that some Avars apparently relocated to Gaul during Charlemagne’s rein.

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