Abraham … the nitty gritty
The story in Genesis goes something like this … Abraham, the shepherd, went to Egypt with his wife Sarai. Sarai was so beautiful that he posed as her brother (and convinced her to play along) so that he would not be killed.
That's a pretty crap thing to do, don't you think??? "Honey, you are so beautiful that everyone's gonna want to get in your pants, and as your husband I might be killed, so just say I'm your brother and I'll just stay out of the way when some creep or Pharaoh tries to put the moves on you."
Sarai was barren for many years (by biblical accounts) … maybe she was just pissed at him!?!? … Actually, this whole story was very likely concocted to cover up some things which fly in the face of conventional Judeo/Christian wisdom.
But before debunking the story, let's at least finish it. The Pharaoh indeed is taken with Sarai's beauty (even though, as per biblical chronology she would have been over 60) and takes her into his household. But the Pharaoh is prevented by the Lord from taking advantage of Sarai and is stricken by sickness, yet showers gifts and treasure on her "brother", Abraham. Finally the Pharaoh learns the truth ("Abram, why did you deceive me? Why did you not tell me this was your wife?") and sends Abraham and Sarai out of Egypt … but, despite his anger (and injured pride) lets Abraham keep all his treasure.
This story has more holes in it than a bushel of bagels. They are so obvious that I needn't dwell on them. Yet many (without really thinking about it) accept it as "gospel". There is something very revealing hidden behind this bizarre and clearly concocted story … and Stephen Franklin has sorted it out for us using both biblical and non-canonical sources and a curious and informed mind.
To fully appreciate his logic all of the chapters below should be read, but his comments regarding Abraham appear mostly in chapters V and XIII here:
I'll give the reader the jist of it …
Abraham was a member of Ugarit royalty. (Remember Ugarit, 7000 year old archeological finds, connects to the Hunnic tribes linguistically via Ugarit=Ugric? + Arpad an alteration of Arwad, an island just souh of Ugarit?) He was also a masterful astonomer, a magi priest of Kabbalah and he commanded armies. He was no "shepherd", he was no "nobody".
Abraham (Abram) lived for many years in Egypt teaching astronomy while hobnobbing with the Pharaoh and the aristocracy, he himself being (or at some point being referred to as) a prince of Ugarit. He didn't go to Egypt with Sarai, he met and married her there. Abraham wasn't a husband of Sarai who posed as his sister, Sarai was the sister of the Pharaoh who became Abraham's wife! The treasure he took back to Canaan was likely a wedding gift.
But the writers of the story of the Jews decided to leave out the part that the patriarchs were princes of Egypt and related to the pagan Pharaohs. So instead of the Pharoah's sister becoming Abraham's wife, she becomes Abraham's wife posing as his sister and having the Pharaoh try to bed her. Abraham's treasure is also explained, albeit unconvincingly. But for Sarai to have been from Canaan and travelled to Egypt with Abraham, there would have been all those years where Sarai was childless … easy fix, she was barren. What about Ishmael, born to Hagar before Sarai concieved? That's easily explained too, Sarai let Abraham have her handmaiden because of her barrenness. Finally Sarai (now Sarah) gives birth to Isaac. A miracle!!!
(Or, as I prefer to refer to it, a fairy tale.)
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Yuya |
The hypothesis that Sarai was the sister of the Pharaoh hangs together better if you also count Franklin's other revelations. After fretting over the incompatibility of the timelines of the bible and Egyptian dynasties, he decides to take Solomon who, in the biblical account lives a reasonable number of years for a human as a starting point. One of Solomon's wives, as per the bible, was the daughter of the Pharaoh "Shishak". This is one of the only times the bible actually refers to a Pharaoh by name, and it is fortunate because Shishak can easily be identified as Shoshenq I, providing a point at which to affix the biblical chronology to the assumed chronology of the Egyptian Pharaohs. Then Franklin HALVES the years of the lifetimes of the figures of the bible prior to that point, and works backwards. Miraculously, things pretty much then line up and we can see who was who. (WHY the writers of the old testament may have counted years in 6-month increments is not clear. )
Without getting too much into it (please read the source material), the biblical patriarchs were closely related to the Pharaohs. Joseph the Vizier and Yuya were one and the same. His/their daughter Tiye married Amenhotep III, making Akhmenaten Joseph's grandson.
I should also note that the name of Abraham, the patriarch of the Islamic, Jewish and Christian religions is (most likely) included on the Ugarit list of kings – as Ibaranu III.
Now we can see how Jesus was "of Nazareth", i.e. was a priest of the dragon blood-line … descended both from the Pharaohs of Egypt and the kings of Ugarit.
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Hi. Thanks for the link and the synopsis.
Steve Franklin
(Lord Balto)
I think that Steven and I will get along just fine once we can settle on dating the past.
I believe we are good to go with Cyrus at 600 BC.
It is Egyptian dates that are out to lunch.
The only thing wrong with Manetho's dates is that they have been multiplied by a factor of two before 2002 BC. Other than that, they align precisely with tree-ring and ice-core dates: http://neros.lordbalto.com/ChapterEleven.htm. It is the Hebrew (biblical) and Assyrian dates that are missing two entire neros periods, approximately 1200 years: http://neros.lordbalto.com/ChapterSix.htm, though the Assyrians have been nice enough to provide us with some of the names of their kings from this missing period, thus confusing the historians into thinking that their Sargon and Naram-sin are different from the ones mentioned by the Akkadians.
And my name is Stephen (or Steve), not Steven.
Ramses the Great became king of Egypt in 570 BC
Hattusili III was the son of Mursili II
Hattusili III made an alliance with the Egyptian king Ramses II
Battus III was the son of Arcesilaus II
Battus made an alliance with the Egyptian king Amasis II
Ramses married Hattusili's daughter, known the by the Egyptian name of Maathorneferure.
Amasis married Battus' daughter, known by the Cyrene name of Ladice
Hatti = Battiad = Battus = 550 BC to 530 BC
So, you're telling me that the Exodus, which took place after the Hebrews built the "cities of Ramses," occurred in the 6th Century BC, so that they were entering the Holy Land after the Kingdom of Judah had already fallen to Nebuchadnezzar? Are you serious? Is this from Rohl or Velikovsky?
The information I provide comes exclusively from me [Elreb] and I am as serious as a heart attack. It is well sourced and much of it is literally “Carved in Stone”.
Amasis II [570-526 BC] was one of the greatest monument builders in all of Egyptian history, however when you visit his sites, one only finds monuments built by Ramses II [Doesn’t that seem odd?]
The Kingdom of Judah continued to exist until 586 BC when it was conquered by the Babylonians and its people deported to Babylon.
Egyptian/mitzraim king Apries had earlier entered into an alliance with Nebuchadnezzar II.
It was Amasis II who not only defeated king Apries…he also defeated the Babylonian army in 567 BC.
It wasn’t until 539 BC that Cyrus the Great conquered Babylon and freed all the Jews.
It was also Cyrus the Great that allowed the returning Jews to build the second temple to YHWH at Elephantine. [In the land of Cush]
Also…Genesis 13-1 states = And Abram went up out of Egypt, he, and his wife, and all that he had, and Lot with him, into the south.
"Up out of Egypt" is going up the Nile which is actually heading south towards the land of Cush.
They settled in the basin of the ‘Irdon” [Urdon]. I don’t think they ever left Egypt proper.
This area reminds me of Krialon [Krokodilopolis] home of the sacred crocodile [Messeh] which is watered by the “Canal of Joseph” (Bahr Yusuf) which goes to Lake Moeris.
The House of Ramses [Pi-Ramesses] was less than 2 miles away from the Hyksos capital & Port = Avaris = El-Dab’a.
The Minoan wall paintings at Tell El-Dab'a are of particular interest to Egyptologists and archaeologists.
They are of Minoan style, content, and technology.
The paintings depict scenes of maze-like patterns, bulls and bull-leapers, the flying gallop, griffins, and leopard and lion hunts…all images associated with the Minoan artistic culture.
Psammetichos [664 – 610 BC] rewarded his allies the Ionians and Carians with places to live in called “The Camps”, opposite each other on either side of the Nile. They were described by Herodotos as being of Minoan descent.
Look closely at this picture…from Abu Simbel near Aswan (Removed broken link.) The foot in the picture is that of Ramses II… Why is the defeated person wearing both the Egyptian “Ankh” earring and the Jewish Payot? Who was Ramses II really fighting?
I have completed a preliminary decipherment of the Phaistos Disc, available here: http://neros.lordbalto.com/ChapterFourteen.htm
The most important result of this is that Crete is clearly shown to have been under unified rule with Egypt–in line with Martin Bernal and Hans Wunderlich–as early as the first two dynasties of Egypt. There is further evidence that the Udum of the Legend of Keret was indeed on Crete–in line with Cyrus Gordon. Keret actually appears on the disc, which turns out, despite my best efforts to find something more complex, to be a simple king list running from Iahu (Zeus) and Mino (Minos) to just after the invasion of Sargon, a period of about 700 years.
What a bunch of crap you just sold everyone. Pure masonic/kabalistic stories. Try and read his word for yourself instead of buying evething your sold for one. And how do i know you didn't read for yourslef? Because Sara was his sister dummy, the same exact thing happened again in Gerar…
GEN 20:11 And Abraham said, Because I thought, Surely the fear of God is not in this place; and they will slay me for my wife's sake.
12 And yet indeed she is my sister; she is the daughter of my father, but not the daughter of my mother; and she became my wife.
So you better doubt your source since they clearly misslead you on this major point alone. I only know since I was decieve till i search myself and found litteraly mountains of evidence. youtube this – archeaology: digging for the truth of the bible to get a good start…this one blew my mind. and it shows that weare getting lied to right ot our faces by the alleged educators. who some are decieved themselves unfortunately. because they took someone elses word for it also…peace to you
I have posted my earlier Origins of the Tarot Deck in pdf form here: http://neros.lordbalto.com/AppendixC.htm