
Alexander Hamilton
Alexander Hamilton

Hamilton is an enigma.

According to the excellent and exhaustive biography on John Adams by McCullough, Hamilton was a traitor, re-amassing a Continental Army (after the victory @ Yorktown Washington's army was released and disbanded) of 5 thousand men (he wanted at least 10 thousand), pursuant to, as Adams and his wife Abigail believed, the goal of executing a coup d'etat against the fledgling US government under the auspices of the threat of French invasion at a very unstable period of French/US relations following the French Revolution.  

The tyrannical Robespierre administration was in power in France (in-between the French Revolution and Napoleon), and no word had been heard from 3 American envoys sent to France by the Adams administration of the newly founded America.  Their French envoy counterparts were nicknamed "XYZ", and so this was the "XYZ affair".

It was assumed, by Hamilton and his Federalists, that the envoys had been abducted and were being held in France, unable to communicate with their homeland against their will.  

Hamilton used this crisis as an excuse to amass a new army, purportedy to counter an expected French invasion.  The odds of France invading the US were, and Adams quite well knew this, zero.

(More to come ….)


Adams, who thought he had figured out Hamilton's intentions, kept his head in spite of the politically inspired uproar, and finally word from theUS ambassadors reached the US and it turned out that the French "threat" was wholy imagined … Hamilton's rug was pulled out from under him.  A few years later Hamilton got into a tizzy with Aaron Burr, Jefferson's vice president, and was killed in the ensuing duel.

All of this and more (Jefferson and Madison's opposition to the establishment of a central bank, which Hamilton supported and eventually created, in return for the Capital being located in Virginia/Maryland, away from the economic centers of Philly & NY) had led me to the position that the bankers were the enemy, Hamilton was their agent, and that Andrew Jackson, when he vetoed the re-chartering of the National Bank in 1832 was a national hero.

I was so naive.

The very real, very rich, and very powerful enemy of America during this period were the Brahmin families of Essex County near Boston, who were in league with their feudalist British cousins.  Several members of this incestuously intermarried British blue-blood community in Massachussettes, are known to history as the "Essex Junto".  These were British loyalist Anglophiles, who were making fortunes trading Opium in China and bringing African Slaves to the American South, funneling part of their profits toward the establishment of the Ivy League Schools – Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia U. 

Jefferson and Adams weren't on speaking terms at the time, so Jefferson turned to John Adams' son, John Quincy, and, in surviving letters, Jefferson and John Quincy discussed this great threat to the newly founded nation. 

The Essex Junto was comprised of names Cabot, Perkins, Russell, Cushing & Higgenson, many of them involved in the opium or slave trades,  basically sharing in what the British East India Company was doing already.   Why did the British East India Company let these guys muscle in on their business???

Because, these pro-British, Norman-blue-blooded feudalists in New England were the British Empire's best hope to un-do the American Revolution.  Better let-em-in on the West-Indies-Slave and China-Opium markets, let them become rich and powerful in the New World, and promote the pro-British/feudalist ideology and try to undo this bizarre anti-Monarchial American idea of freedom and independence.

That was the ideology of the Essex Junto, and that is why the British East India Company let those American families in on the profits available for wealthy families of the right blood and political bent.

The Essex Junto asked Aaron Burr, Jefferson's vice president, if he would join their (treasonous) cause.

Burr (the killer of Hamilton) accepted.


The Hamilton / Burr duel in New Jersey, apparently, went something like this – "ready, aim, "BOOM" Hamilton was dead.  Hamilton had made clear to his close friends that he intended to throw away his shot, as was often the custom in these tests of courage and honor.   Burr on the other hand, seemingly was intent on killing his opponent – he had been target-practicing, as is noted by a friend testifying to a target board on Burr's estate peppered with the holes of pistol balls.   Hamilton's shot, whether his "throw-away" prior to Burr's shot or an involuntary reaction to being hit, struck the branch of a tree far above and to the side of Burr in the adjacent woods.   Burr's shot hit Hamilton squarely in the mid-section, rupturing his liver and lodging in the spine.   Hamilton died the next day, and soon Burr was indicted in both NY and New Jersey (where the dual took place) for murder.   Burr fled, but several years later after the indictments had been rescinded he returned to NY under an assumed name and attempted to resurrect his law practice.   One NY politician spotted him on the street and proceeded to lash him with his cane, exclaiming "scoudrel!!!" and other epitaphs.

The truth is, Hamilton, despite his faults, was squarely in the patriot camp, as was Washington, and the two stayed allied to one another unto their deaths.  They were hated by the Republicans (Jefferson's camp) because they attempted to utilize workable aspects of the British political system in the service of creating a strong union.   They understood that without a strong central government, national bank and army, the union would fail.  Jefferson's utopian, small-government view should serve us well now, when government has become so bloated, but back THEN, when there was no glue to unite the states or to defend against threats, the Hamiltonian view and influence was, and proved to be, crucial to the permanence of a new independent country. 

Burr and his Essex supporters understood this, and engaged in a plot to convince all of New England to secede from the new Union and return to the bosom of English colonial status.  Most of these Bostonians were powerful "Federalists", and they found it convenient to use the Federalist party to  achieve their goal.   The problem was, Hamilton stood as the leader of this party, and, despite his ability to recognize the merit of British political institutional concepts (a National Bank, etc.), he created those institutions and put them to work in the service of American Independence. Hamilton had to go … for his genius in verbalizing the merits of a constitutional union (newspapers were the key to anything back then, and the populace hung on Hamilton's words in print) would have quickly quashed any talk of a 'New England secession'. 

So, Burr was enlisted to kill Hamilton in a dual, which he did.


There is a quote attributed to Nathan Rothschild, supposedly issued after the US Congress refused to renew the charter for the 1st Bank of the United States, whereby "“Either the application for the renewal of the charter is granted, or the United States will find itself involved in a most disastrous war.” – 6 months later the US was embroiled in the War of 1812, wherein the White House was burnt down by British Troops.

The US, however finally won that war, thanks to a book.

Whaahhh?? – Yes, a book, 'The Olive Branch'.  Never heard of it???  – How completely they have erased our true history.  

I'll circle around to that later, but first I have to address this Rothschild quote.   This was 1811 – Nathan Rothschild didn't engineer his insider trading coup (at the victory of Wellington over Napoleon) that made him the most powerful banker in London until 1815.    In 1811 he was just a struggling banker, a Jew banker at that.   Did Nathan Rothschild, in 1811, have the power to direct the British government to start a war with the new American Republic?   NO WAY! … The Rothschilds struggled just to be accepted as Lords in the British House of Lords through succeding decades – and finally were welcomed into the Anglican elite clique 50 years later when Jewish Prime Minister Disraeli was in power, and 'Lord' Walter Lionel Rothschild was allowed to take the oath of office placing his hand on the old-testament, as opposed to the Christian Bible, which was the obtrusive rule (and an obstacle to Jews) at the time.  

Whoever put out this, obviously fictional, "Rothschild quote" was (a) making it up and (b) was trying to blame the Rothschilds for the war of 1812, when Nathan clearly did not have the power (yet) to steer British politics, much less start a war. 

The War of 1812, conversely, was prodded forth to fruition by the Essex Junto in collusion with their British aristocrat cousins.

Shutting down the National Bank of the US, they knew, would hobble the ability of the US to wage war, and so they used their substantial influence to generate congressional opposition to a renewal of the bank's charter, in preparation for a war with England which began the next year.

I subscribed to the OPPOSITE view, that the War of 1812 was retribution for the closing of the bank (in actuality British investorship in the 1st Nat. Bank of the US was minimal).  Then, recently, I read 'Treason in America' (highly recommended!) by Anton Chaitkin – which both enlightened and confused me – but which also set me on a mission to figure out what the real truth of the period was.   After several very good books about influential people of the period, I can say without a shred of doubt that Hamilton was maybe our greatest hero, Burr was an assassin.   I was WRONG!

Here's where 'The Olive Branch' comes in.   Politics in early America had always been divisive … REALLY divisive.   The vitriol between conservatives and liberals in today's age, extreme as it is, doesn't quite match the tone of the early American republic – one politician beat his rival with a cane while congress was in session, men of opposite parties dueled in print and then, when the exchanges became overly heated, sometimes dueled with pistols.  When the War of 1812 commenced the US was compromised by this very vitriol – Federalists opposed any action proposed by Jefferson's Republicans and vice versa, all made worse by the lack of a National Bank with which to finance any kind of mobilization against the British invasion.  Were Hamilton or Washington alive, they would have muscled common ground between the parties and rallied the country, as they had done before – but they were dead.  

The British burned down the White House and things looked grim for the new nation – when, a book was published, written by a protoge of Benjamin Franklin, Mathew Carey, 'The Olive Branch'.    This book exposed the mechanizations of the Essex Junto and saved the Nation.   It is the best selling book of the entire 19th century, barring the Bible. 


Hey, i found the original (4th edition?) Olive Branch online in PDF –







Copyright (c) 2015 Eric Westfall.
Original content may be quoted or replicated under the Fair Use doctrine. All other rights reserved.

6 Comments to 'Hamilton'

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  1. Caliyat said,

    Read and understand why/how the Rothschild British banker had the gravitas to be able to threaten war with the recalcitrant rebels of the colonies unless they were given control of the U.S federal bank in 1811.
    Happy you saw through the nasty Mr.Burr  & the unrelenting smear campaign at last. Explains why Gore Vidal had to call his book about his famous ancestor (BURR) a work of fiction.
    You might also begin to understand why none other than Abraham Lincoln made the decision to place Hamilton's likeness on the money. The story of his visiting Alexander Hamilton's 90 yearold widow & daughter in Washington, D.C. is interesting. Have yet to read the Chernow big biography on Hamilton as of yet. Do find the actions of this widow after his death to be enlightening.
    Also, wasn't the army raised by Hamilton & Washington used to quell the "whiskey rebellion"??? Memory could be faulty on this but it seems so.

  2. admin said,

    The whiskey rebellion was engineered by the freemasonic 'Scottish Rite' branch, closely tied to the Essex Junto, of which Aaron Burr was a member.

    I can't explain it all, one has to just read the requisite books.  In this case, for a start,  "Treason in America" by Anton Chaitkin


  3. admin said,

    That stuff about Nathan Rothschild threatening the US with war, about the US National Bank's charter not being renewed … that's a bunch of internet baloney.    In 1911 Nathan Rothschild was a nobody, a struggling banker, a JEWISH banker, trying to make his mark in London.   He DID NOT, at that time have anywhere near the power he would eventually have, nor the influence to make the statements attributed to him regarding the status of the US National Bank, whether he, or his French brother James, held stock in that bank, or not, and we don't know. 

    (It turns out, I suspect, after much research, that our hero, Andrew Jackson, was the traitor, and that our traitor, Alexander Hamilton, was our, dispatched by Burr, hero.)

  4. admin said,

    If Andrew Jackson had been SUCCESSFULLY murdered, I probably wouldn't buy my above take on history … but with the assassin's gun failing twice??? … I urge the reader to seek out "Treason in America" by  Anton Chaitkin.

  5. admin said,

    Some people think that Jewish bankers are trying to take over the world, but I have done my homework.  it is a cabal of Norman Christians in (apparently very comfortable) league with German (Jewish) banker families.   These Norman families are descended from the warriors who accompanied William Dude of Normandy when he took over England.  They received lands and title in England then, and are still running the show in America now.  

    They let "the Jews" in to the inner circle because they were forced to.   This was the result of the insider trading coup perpetrated by Nathan.  Read up on PM Disraeli, and Lionel Walter's oath of office, modified so that he could enter the House of Lords.

    Instructional, IMHO



  6. dressonuk said,

    It’s a nice post.

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