Was Magog a grandson of Noah? A nation correlating with the Caucasus and surrounding area? The ancestor of the Magyars? Of the Mittani? All of the above?
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Magog standing guard at Guildhall in the City of London |
I've been struggling with the ancient roots of the nomadic Turkic tribes for a long time, and while I lean toward Mesopotamian roots, at least in the case of their ruling caste, there were many tribes and we know little about these people or the route of their migration from the Near East to Mongolia. We do know that reports of the "Turkic" Xiongnu, as the Chinese called these peoples collectively, appear in their annals around 1200 B.C. This would have, assumedly, been after the Trojan War which spurred so much movement of peoples around the Black Sea region.
Various myths and name-connections suggest that Subartu was the fount from where these Turkic nomadic tribes originated, and it's curious that this is where the Mittani appeared. (In 'the Huns' I quote some material that discusses a possible link between the Magyars and the Mittani, and Nicholas de Vere claims his family descend from the latter.) We can't forget however that these tribes were, generally speaking, caucasian (i.e. blue eyed, red or blond haired) as noted in the Chinese annals and evident from mummies dug up in Mongolia. (We get our word caucasian from the Caucasus – and in fact, the root term is "Circ", for the circular shape formed by the Caucasus mountain ranges).
The question is, should the nomadic "Turkic tribes" who eventually formed the kingdom of Khazaria in this "dragon-culture" narrative be pegged to Subartu, one of the "four quarters" named in Akkadian texts? Or to the Caucasus and/or the Pontic-Caspian Steppes, from where Kurgan (Yamna) and pre-Kurgan cultures are said to have domesticated horses and made early battle-axes?
The Hungarian myth of the White Stag pegs twin sons of Nimrod as the anscestors of their founding tribes. These twins, Hunor and Magor, chase a stag to Scythia where they marry (or rape) Avar (or Sarmatian) princesses, giving rise to the Huns and the Magyars. So if any weight is to be given to the myth, the migration would seem to flow from Mesopotamia into the Caucasus and Scythia and then intermixing occurred there. Adding more evidence, the Egyptians called this part of Mesopotamia (Subartu) the land of Magor, and the homeland of the "Royal Scythians" was, apparently, Subartu. Taking the argument even closer to the Mediterranean, Ugarit was just west of Subartu on the Coast. South of that was the island of Arvad, and I connect the term Ugarit to the "Ugric" speaking Hun-garians and Arvad to the Arpad rulers of that nation who descended from Attila the Hun. If you go any further south on the coast, you are officially in Phoenicia, and lo and behold what is that I see on the shield held by Magog's statue in Guildhall (visible at the top of this page)? A phoenix (!!!). (Phoenix – Phoenicia, same root.)
This all fits with what I've been saying all along … that the barbarian tribes which converged on Europe as the Roman Empire collapsed were all conquering-culture branches on the dragon tree, all with roots anciently tangled in Canaan, Egypt and Mesopotamia.
In terms of a specific person, Magog was a (Biblical) grandson of Japheth. In terms of peoples, the two would refer to the Japhetic "race," and in terms of location or area, to the Black Sea region including the Caucasus. Gog is also almost certainly the root of the word for the country of Georgia (as well as St. George the dragon-slayer, whose legend is intertwined with Georgia … interestingly, in the original myth St. George hails from the Levant !).
'John' of Ladon-Gog has a whole chapter on Gog. This is great stuff if you have the stamina for it (John is a pretty smart guy) … I hope that my paragraphs thus-far might prepare you better to grasp it all –
Because we can thus locate a portion of Gog's empire in Tubal, some writers are already insinuating that out of modern Georgia will come the Biblical Gog. In fact, some modern Georgians refer to themselves as "Gogi."
To my amazement, I discovered the term "Gargarians" (by Herodotus) in association with Amazons exactly where the Meshech lived in Ezekiel's day. It would thus seem like a no-brainer that Greek myth depicted the Gargarians as "Gorgons," both terms referring to the proto-Georgians. Knowing that the ancient Gogi of Ezekiel's day lived next to the Meshech, I can't ignore the obvious, that the Gargarians were Ezekiel's Gogi.
The term "Caucasus" itself may derive from "Gog." I think the term should be read as "Cauc-As," the As/Aes peoples being those proto-Trojan inventors of metal who conquered what would later be named Asia.
What is starting to sink in, though it might be wrong, is that the Gogi peoples should be identified as multiple peoples, the Rosh, Meshech, and Tubali included. The Gogi appear not to be a single bloodline or clan, but rather a conglomeration of Japhetic peoples. This becomes easier to accept as it becomes apparent that the core Aryans of Iran, out of which came the Gorgons, were an alliance of Japhetic peoples.
Next there is an unmistakeable correllation between Gog and the Gorgons of Greek myth. The Gorgons were three sisters, Stheno and Euryale and Medusa, all with living snakes for hair.
The fact that we have three sisters supports John's intuition that the Gogi were not a single peoples but several, the fact that they are women might imply that they were mother-goddess worshippers, and their snakes-for-hair certainly peg them as "dragon" peoples (whatever that means exactly). Also interesting is that while Stheno and Euryale are immortal, Medusa is not and is slain by Perseus … which might indicate that Medusa represents a Gogi branch that was subjugated by the Persian empire. Medes comes to mind, for Media was an autonomous kingdom for a time until being conquered by Cyrus the Great, founder of the Persian Achaemenid dynasty, in (officially) 500 B.C. or thereabouts.
Perseus in turn was (mythically) the son of Zeus and Danae, Danae being by name the archetype of the Danaans (see 'Tribe of Dan'), so this implies that Cyrus represented an important branch on the dragon tree, and his success in subjugating a great empire only supports that claim.
The Gorgons classically were the daughters of the sea god Phorcys and his sister Ceto, a sea monster. Phorcys evokes both the Phocus emperors of Byzantium, one of which was Michael I Rangabe (who I discuss in my piece on Melissena), and the Fulks of Anjou – all very important within the big picture and all "dragons" it would seem.
My framing this post in terms of whether the nomadic tribes should be pegged to the Caucasus or to Subartu was sort of dishonest, I wanted to explore those two possibilities to show the validity of both … but in fact, Subartu and the Caucasus were practically right next to each other, with Media to the East. So what we have is a huge swath of real estate surrounding the Black Sea and the southern banks of the Caspian Sea including the Caucasus and parts of what would become Scythia, inhabited by related peoples sometimes referred to as "Gogi", from which the nomadic "Turkic" tribes sprang, many of whom migrated to Mongolia to become the Xiongnu and later (on their way back) the Hunnic federation which included the Magyars, Khazars, Bulgars etc. That's putting it in simplistic general terms, of course.
Admittedly there is some speculation involved, but by peeking at Gog and Magog and following that lead to the nomadic Turkic tribes, to the Gorgons and the Persian conqueror of Media (Cyrus), and to the Phocas emperors of Byzantium and the Fulks of Anjou we get a glimpse at some important branches on the dragon tree.
Now, how Gog and Magog came to be the traditional guardians of the City of London is, well, still a mystery to me. I think if you knew the answer to that question, you would really understand how our world really works.
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sarmatians were aryan peoples
Consequently, the mentioned in the ancient Chinese sources ethnonyms ”Hu”, ”Di”, ”Guifang”, ”Tufang”, ”Rung”, ”Hun” and ”Chile” were carriers of the Andronov cultures. From those Andronov communities in the 2nd millennium BC came the Aryans. Hence, the Aryans originated from the Türkic nomadic cattle husbandry tribes.
About time somone has spoken truth, look at the Turkic people in genral. They are ''aryan'' sons of Japeth. I met one man, an Uighur. He looked Celtic!
Thanks for the article.
Just to be sure I'm tracking correctly…are you saying the Gogi's are a collection of Japhethites that bred with foreigners outside of Noah's offspring that moved into Semite homelands in Anatolia and Mesopotamia? When they moved into Shemite lands they adopted Shem's dragon religion and carried it into modern Europe.