
Melissena was the granddaughter of a Holy Emperor of Byzantium, Michael I Rangabe.

Michael Rangabe's anscestry is unclear, but a cursory look into the genealogy of the royal Byzantines in general shows them to have been a mix of royal Khazars and Armenians, some Bulgars (the Bulgar Khans descended from Hunnic kings), with a royal Bagratid appearing here and there.  I have my own theory about Michael, I think he may have been of Avar descent.  I won't be getting into that in this post, suffice to say that the Avars, like the Khazars and Bulgars, were a nomadic Turkic tribe that inhabited Carpathia (modern Hungary, Romania) during the 7th and 8th centuries.

The anscestry of Melissena's grandmother, Michael Rangabe's wife Procopia is known.   She was the descendant of royal Khazars, Bulgars and Huns.

This is quite interesting and worth mentioning. On the chart at the right one can see Bulgar Khans and Hunnic kings in the history of Procopia's great-grandfather Constantine V. Constantine's wife was Irene, Princess of the Khazars. Irene's Khazar Kagan anscestors in turn can be traced all the way back to the Han Dynasty of China – not through the Xiongnu as is the case with the Huns, but rather through Ch'ang-lo, a Xi-Wei Princess and mother of one of the first Khazar Kagans (!).

Constantine's father, Emperor Leo III, also inherited royal Khazar blood from his mother Fabia Proba, whose mother in turn is thought to have been Theodora of the Khazars.   This is pretty likely, for Constantine V's son Leo (not shown) is known as Leo IV "the Khazar".

Melissena married a man named Inger 'the Scandinavian.'  He is also described as a 'Varangian.'  The Varnagian Rus were a sort of Viking people (from Scania, i.e. Southern Sweden, they say) that invaded the Baltic states in the 9th century, eventually taking over all of what's now western Russia, Belarus and the Ukraine.  At one point they sacked Constantinople and, later, Vladimir 'the Great' offered 600 Varangian soldiers as a gift to the Byzantine Emperor.  This was the 'Varangian Guard,' and though one is tempted to imagine that Melissena's Inger was one of these royal bouncers, it would have been scandalous for someone 'born in the purple' to marry a simple soldier.  Additionally, Inger's name suggests he was of royal birth.

Inger lived about a generation or so after Ingerman, a Count of Hesbaye.  These counts produced the Robertian line of French Kings, who in turn produced the Capetians (who along with their various cadet branches ruled France until the French Revolution).  Inger isn't the only Varangian whose name parallels one of these Hesbaye counts, the first of the Varangian Rus rulers in the Baltics and on the plains of modern Russia was Rurik, which is a Slavic rendering of Roderick, and although there weren't any Rodericks of Hesbaye, there were several Rotberts, all three names meaning 'red.'   Rurik's son was Igor, a Slavic rendering of Inger, so the argument is pretty convincing that the Varangians were a branch of Francians (the terms even sound alike).

Melissena's marriage to Inger, if I reckon this correctly, was important enough to inspire a Medieval myth about a mermaid, Melusine.  I grant that there is another candidate for the real girl behind the myth, a Scottish princess named Milouziana, in fact they both may be the inspiration for the fish-tailed sorceress.  Regardless, in both cases the marriage of the princess constitutes the joining of disparate but elite blood-lines.

The Melusine of myth meets a French noble in the forests of France and wins his heart.  He is alternately Raymond de Poitou, Raymond de Vere, or a Count of Lusignan.  They marry, but with a condition.   Melusine insists that he never enter her chamber on a Saturday.  In truth, Melusine is half serpent, her lower half  being twin serpent or fish-like tails which are revealed on the Sabbath.  Eventually her husband finds out her secret.  Melusine is heartbroken, transforms herself into a dragon and flies away.

If you like Starbucks Coffee, you have seen her often. The mermaid of the Starbucks logo is Melusine.   She also shows up on the crests of a couple of towns in Bavaria, such as Isen and Zusamaltheim.

Melusine Melusine
current logo previous logo
Melusine Melusine
coat of arms
coat of arms

Some of the important family houses which were infused with blood from Melissena include (to varying degrees of certainty) Hohen, Babenburg, Wittelsbach, Wettin, Brusse (which later became the Bruce clan of Scotland), Arpad and the Varangian Rus rulers of the Ukraine.

I've prepared a simple (and by no means comprehensive) genealogy chart below which gives an idea how far and wide the blood of Melissena and Inger spread.

For starters, Yaroslav's sister, Arlogia Vladimirovna of Russia, who was also I believe a daughter of Anna Porphyrogenita (see arguments at the bottom of the page) married Rognvald Brusse, the Earl of Orkney.  Two generations later their grandson Robert II Le Brusse married Agnes St. Clair, adding the blood of Rollo the Viking's line into the mix.  The Brusses would later rule Scotland under the name Bruce and, after Marjorie Bruce, the daughter of Robert I the Bruce (the confidant of William Wallace and a central figure in the movie 'Braveheart') married Walter Stewart, the combined Bruce/Stewart rule of Scotland proceded under the Stewart family name.   (Middle of the chart.)

Vladimir I's son Yaroslav the Wise is thought to have had three daughters (but, I think he had four).  One he married off to Harald III of Norway, another to Henry the king of France, and a third, Anastasia, married Andrew I King of Hungary.

While Vladimir's son Yaroslav was marrying his daughters to royals of Europe, Danish rule in England came to an end and Edward the Exile and his family returned to England with a few Hungarian royals in tow.   Edward was immediately killed (undoubtedly by a competitor for the throne).  Nine years later Duke William of Normandy conquered England and Margaret and her entourage fled to Scotland, where Margaret married king Malcom III.  They had a daughter, Matilda, who married King Henry I of England (son of William the Conqueror), as well as a son, David I, who inherited the Scottish throne.

Hunnic/Magyar blood flowed generously into the royal houses of Europe from the Arpads, and often was mixed with the Byzantine/Khazar blood of Melissena which the Arpads received from their Rus cousins.  The Germanic houses of Hohenstaufen, Brunswick, Babenburg, Wittelsbach, Wettin and Hapsburg all intertwine with the Arpads through three Hungarian princesses, Elizabeth, Sophia and Ilona.  Elizabeth Arpad married Frederick Przemyslide of Bohemia whose mother was a Babenburg.   They had a daughter, Ludmilla, who married Ludwig I Wittelsbach of Bavaria. Ludwig I was in turn the descendent of Sophia Arpad, Princess of Hungary, through his ancestor Otto IV Wittelsbach, as well as being descended from Melissena through Frederick I Duke of Swabia (the grandfather of Frederick I "Barbarossa", the first Holy Roman Emperor of Germania).  Ludmilla and Ludwig's son Otto II married Agnes Welf of Saxony, another link which traces back to Frederick "Barbarossa" (and by extension Melissena), to Henry "the Lion" who started the house of Brunswick, and to Henry's wife Matilda who was the granddaughter of Malcom and Margaret, King and Queen of Scotland.

Otto II Wittelsbach's marriage to Agnes Welf of Saxony  effectively merged the combined Arpad/Wittelsbach bloodlines with those of Margaret and the houses of Brunswick and Hohenstaufen.

Meanwhile, yet another Hungarian princess Ilona married Leopold V of Austria, combining the Arpad line with that of Babenberg (far right on the chart).   Along the way this bloodline merged with that of Wettin, and finally Frederick II de Wettin married Matilde von Wittelsbach effectivedly merging all of these branches together (and there are undoubtedly other routes by which all these lines mix and merge – again, the intermarrying was incestuous).   One big happy (when they weren't fighting…), family.

The Arpads connect to Vladislov's ruling house of Kiev through one other marriage, Yaraslov's son Vsevolod I (who became Grand Prince) to Anastasia of Byzantium (she was known by other names as well, such as Maria von Byzanz).   Anastasia was the daughter of Constantine IX and was a Byzantine princess.  Anastasia and Vsevolod's granddaughter Euphrosyne later married Geza II, tying the royal Kievan Rus to the Arpads by this additional thread, and their children included Ilona and Elizabeth Arpad, who married into German royal houses as detailed above.

It would have been beyond my wildest expectations were it to turn out that this Anastasia (not the wife of Andrew, but the Byzantine princess) was somehow connected to Melissena, and I was almost sure it wouldn't be so, for I have poured over the available genealogies of all of Melissena's close descendants and I knew pretty much what names are in there.   Then I discovered something, the possiblity of which had never occured to me … Melissena had a sister (!).   Sure enough, Anastasia of Byzantium was descended from Melissena's sister, Procopius, whose genealogy I will offer in an addendum to this post.

Another big marriage in the history of Europe's elite was that between Theophanu of Byzantium, another close descendant of Melissena, to Otto II of Saxony, a Holy Roman Emperor.   Otto II was the son of Otto "the Great" and the grandson of Henry "the Fowler", who connect back to the Saxon kings of England and the Carolingian Franks.  Their descendant, Hildegarde of Swabia married Frederick III von Buren, and their grandson Frederick II in turn married Judith Welf of Bavaria.  (Judith was the granddaughter of Sophia Arpad and her nephew Henry "the Lion" started the House of Brunswick.)

Frederick "Barbarossa" von Hohenstaufen was their son and a Holy Emperor and, this is what I find really interesting, Frederick's son Heinrick VI married Constance de Hauteville, who was the daughter of a Templar, Roger II of Sicily (!).   Roger II is allegedly the namesake of the "Jolly Roger", the skull and crossbones flag which became the well recognised symbol of piracy, and Roger's father, Roger I Guiscard, is central to the mythical origins of the skull and crossbones symbol and its significance to the Templar Knights.

Roger in turn was, believe it or not, a direct descendant of Rollo the Viking (!) through Fredesende of Normandy,  the daughter of Richard I "the Fearless" (left side of chart).   And, if you look toward the center-right of my chart, you will see that Bela III, King of Hungary and brother to Elizabeth and Ilona Arpad, married Ann de Chatillon-sur-Loing.  Ann de Chatillon-sur-Loing was a close descendant of Robert I Guiscard of Hauteville, Fredesende of Normandy's son and an uncle of Roger I.

Absolutely incestuous.

OK, enough genealogy.  There is something interesting about the ruling houses which inherited Khazar/Byzantine blood from Melissena – the coats of arms of a conspicuous number of them are blue and white.  Check out the crest of Wittelsbach for example, or the flag of Bavaria, both similar and both blue and white.  The crest of the house of Lusignan is blue and white and, while I haven't been able to tie the Lusignans to Melissena directly, they are implicated in the myth of Melusine.  The crest of the German branch of the Drummond clan features blue and white wavy bars, and the crest of the Leslie clan, another Scottish noble family whose patriarch is yet another royal Hungarian who accompanied Margaret to Scotland (Bartholemew Ladislav) is blue and white as well.

Blue and white-themed coats of arms

So were blue and white the "school colors" of the Hungarian Arpads?  The Kievan Rus?    – Nope.   It turns out that this color theme apparently derives from Melissena's grandfather.

The coat of arms of Michael I Rangabe features a white cross on a blue background with small Greek letters placed in the four quandrants separated by the cross. A near duplicate of his crest shows up in a peculiar place … in St. Margaret's Chapel in Edinburgh, where there is a stained glass image of Margaret, Queen of Scotland. Above her head is the same white cross on a blue background with small white birds arranged in the 4 quadrants (a minor variation from Michael Rangabe's crest).

Rangabe Coat of Arms   St. Margaret’s chapel
Coat of Arms of
Michael I Rangabe
  St. Margaret's Chapel,

This clue, if you ask me, goes a long way toward answering one of the mysteries of medieval genealogy – who was Queen Margaret's mother?

Margaret's mother is known only as Agatha – various theories identifying her as German, Polish, Bulgar, Hungarian or Rus have been proposed.   I'll go into this at the end of the post rather than here (this is getting long), but it looks like her mother was a daughter Yaroslav, whose mother was Anna Porphyrogenita (despite the official maternage being Rogdena of Polotsk).   [Edit: It was also the crest of her father’s family, the Aethelings.  This coat of arms, with its fleur-de- lis tipped cross, is beginning to look to me like an emblem of elven/Davidic descent.]

There's one other place where this blue/white theme shows up which shouldn't be overlooked – the coat of arms of Cohen, which features blue and white checks.   This to me is pretty good confirmation that what made Melissena's line significant were her royal Khazar (and/or Avar) ancestors, simply because the name Cohen is in fact an alteration of Kagan.  'Kagan' in Khazaria meant 'King'.

Cohen family crest Hohen family crest Stewart family crest
German Cohen family crest Hohen family crest Stewart family crest

I mention in 'Uroko' that the royal houses of Stewart and Hohen are offshoots of the house of Cohen, as evidenced by their coats of arms.  The Stewart crest features the same blue and white checks as does the Cohen crest, pointing to Khazar Kagans somewhere in their family history.   Stewart was not originally the family name actually, it was a hereditary title, the High "Steward" of Scotland, which was first awarded to a Walter FitzAlan of Brittany.

Walter FitzAlan came to England to support Margaret's granddaughter Matilda's claim to the English throne during 'The Anarchy', a period of civil war in England caused by a dispute of succession between Matilda and her cousin Stephen.  (Matilda was married to Henry "the Lion" of the House of Brunswick as I have mentioned.)  Matilda lost out to Stephen, but her son Henry was named Stephen's successor (as per the Treaty of Wallingford), and Walter FitzAlan, for his efforts, was named the first High Steward of Scotland by King David I, Margaret's son.

Hooold on there a minute, king David!??  David, a Hebrew name, would have been a very unusual choice for the son of an 11th century (pagan) Scottish king … but not necessarily so for the son of a Scottish queen with Khazarian roots (or some other combo of Hunnic/Hebrew blood in her).   AND, this dovetails perfectly with the implications of the blue and white Cohen checks of the Stewart crest, for if the families of both Margaret and Walter FitzAlan had (Hebrew?) Kagans (of some color) in their histories, it could explain why Walter fought for Matilda's cause and why David bestowed the office of High Steward on Walter to thank him.

(Note: Andrew I of Hungary also named one of his sons David and another one Solomon in fact, and there is a plausible theory, explained at the bottom of the page, that would make Andrew the brother-in-law of Agatha, Margaret's mother.)

… On to the Hohens.  There were several branches of the house of Hohen, the Hohenbergs, the Hohenzollerns, and the very important Hohenstaufens.  Three Hohenstaufens donned the crown of Holy Roman Emperor.  The Hohen coat of arms features red checks instead of blue, but is otherwise identical to the Cohen crest and the names Hohen and Cohen are a near match.

But for the longest time I was at a loss as to specifically how the house of Hohen (or for that matter Stewart – a puzzle I fear I will never crack) got its "Cohen" checks.  Nothing in the genealogy trees I looked over gave any indication of a connection … or so I thought.  Finally it hit me – Melissena was the link.  Frederick "Barbarossa" got his Khazar blood from his great-grandmother Hildegarde of Swabia, who was a direct descendant of Melissena.

But, Melissena wasn't a Jewish Cohen, was she?  I mean, for heaven's sake her grandfather was a Holy Emperor of the Christian Church of Byzantium, right???

She was descended from Kazarian KAGAN's, and through her so was Frederick Barbarossa, a "Holy Roman Emperor".  There's the rub!!!!  Kagan = Cohen!  Forget about religious affiliation.   With regard to the ruling elite,  don't think "Jewish" when you read the name Cohen … think Kagan, "King".

As promised, I saved a little treat for last, a discovery by "John", author of 'Ladon Gog'.

John has stumbled on to the (plausible) notion that a handful of important royal houses of medieval Germania (most of which have already been introduced in this post) are represented in the characters of a well-loved Hanna-Barbera TV cartoon … the Flintstones (!!!).

The clues lie in the similarity of names, correllations between the colors of the characters' outfits and the coats of arms of the respective houses, and alliances.  Fred mirrors the House of Hohen (Frederick I and Frederick II being two Hohenstauffen emperors), Wilma that of Flanders, while Barney represents the House of Brunswick.  Betty mirrors the House of Wettin, which was closely blood-related to both "Barney"'s House of Brunswick and the House of Wittelsbach. The color theme of the Wittelsbach Coat of Arms is blue and white, like Betty's outfit).  I had a hard time with Bam-Bam and Pebbles, 'John' (who first forwarded this theory) has, in different chapters, tied them both to Babenberg.  It became clear however when I found out there were two rival branches of the House of Babenberg, one descended from Poppo and nicknamed the Poppinids (there's the connection to the name Pebbles!), and the other which is referred to as the Austrian branch. Both branches trace back to Babenberg castle, in the Bavarian town of Bamberg (and there's your 'Bam-Bam' connection).  If that's not enough to convince, remember that Fred and Barney are masons – members of the Water-buffalo lodge.

So somebody in-the-know in Southern California before the 1960 debut of the Flintstones, not unlike the myth-writers of ancient Greece, thought it might be fun to immortalize the Germanic houses in which Melissena's royal Khazar-Hun blood mixed with that of the Franks, Saxons and Vikings in a cartoon.

Who'd a thunk?

The Flintstones

Notes on the maternal parentage of Yaroslav "the Wise":

Vladimir married Rogneda around 980 – the story of their marriage is quite shocking.   Vladimir heard that Rogneda was betrothed to his half-brother, Yaropolk I, and decided he wanted her for himself.  So he invaded Polotsk, raped Rogneda in front of her parents, killed her family and took her home with him.

In 988 Vladimir took his next wife, Anna Porphyrogenita, a Byzantine princess.  Upon his marriage to Anna, Vladimir converted to Christianity and divorced his other wives, probably a condition of the union, and had the entire population of Kiev baptised in the Dneiper river.

Nestor the Chronicler placed Yaroslav's birth at 978, a full 10 years before Vladimir's marriage to Anna, a date which has is widely accepted.  However, Nestor was biased against Greek influence in Kiev and some have argued that Nestor purposely omitted any information from his Chronicles which reflected Kievan-Byzantine ties.  This included misrepresenting the year of Yaroslav's birth to fit with him being a son of Rogneda.  Nestor slips up though, referring at one point to Yaroslav as being 28 when he ruled Novgorod,  This would have been at the year 1016, placing Yaroslav's birth in 988.   Furthermore, Yaroslav's bones were tested and dated, and the results were that Yaroslav was born sometime between 988 and 990, in agreement with the later date and which would have been after Vladimir's divorce from Rogneda and marriage to Anna.

The names of Yaroslav's children also point to Anna Porphyrogeneta having been his mother.  While Yaroslav's sons all took Slavic names including his eldest son Vladimir named for Yaroslav's father, his daughters all bear Greek names, one of them Anna, which would make perfect sense if Yaroslav's mother were in fact Anna Porphyrogenita.

Daughters of Yaroslav:


Sons of Yaroslav:



I once thought the Agatha might have been a daughter of Vladimir by his last wife, Ragneda of Ohningen, but she appears to have been born too late, maybe 5 or 10 years after Vladimir's death.  Furthermore, Agatha is a distinctly Greek name, which Ragneda wasn't.  The most reasonable scenario to me is that Yaroslav was not the son of Rogdena of Polotsk but of Anna of Byzantium, Melissena's descendant, and that Agatha was his daughter.

Daughters of Yaroslav the Wise, St. Sophia’s Cathedral
Fresco of Yaroslav's daughters in St. Sophia's Cathedral in Kiev

In the St. Sophia Cathedral in Kiev there is a fresco of the daughters of Yaroslav – but four girls appear in the fresco … Yaroslav had only three daughters, Elizabeth, Anastasia and Anna.  Could the mystery girl be Agatha, mother of Margaret?

This proposed genealogy would explain the Greek origin of the names of Agatha, Yaroslav's daughters as well as some of the children of Margaret (she and Malcom III named one son Alexander).  It fulfills the handful of clues, kin of the Emperor (because Vlad's last wife was the niece of Otto II H.R.E. while Anna of Byzantium, his 2nd wife and Yaroslav's mother, I think, was related to the Emperor's wife, Theophanu of Byzantium) and sister (in-law) of the King of Hungary (Andrew married Anastasia who would have been Agatha's sister).  This also explains the Rangabe white cross on blue shown above Margaret's head in her chapel in Edinburgh.



Arlogia, the wife of Rognvald Brusse Earl of Orkney and one of Vladimir's many daughters, also appears to have been a child of Anna. Some sources claim that Arlogia, like Yaroslav, was a daughter of Vladimir's Polotsk wife Rogdena, but this is clearly erroneous, as Arlogia was born a full 20 years after Vladimir divorced Rogdena. Two sources I like both list Arlogia as Anna's daughter.

(The 'Anna Lekapene' listed as Arlogia's mother in the second link is in fact Anna Porphyrogenita.  Porphyrogenita just meant "born in purple", i.e. of royal birth.)

It is known that Vladimir, who died in 1015, survived Anna by four years, so this would mean Anna died around the year 1011, also the year often cited as that of Arlogia's birth.  Could it be that Anna died giving birth to Arlogia???  I'm no expert on this stuff, but it seems like a real possibility to me.

I find it interesting that the names Rogdena, (Vladimir's wife prior to Anna Porphyrogenita) and Ragneda (Vladimir's last wife) are similar.  Some sources have Arlogia (rather than Agatha) being a daughter of Ragneda, Vladimir's last wife.  Could this be a source of confusion pertaining to the parentage of Arlogia, leading some sources to claim that she was the daughter of Vladimir's earlier wife Rogdena?

This is all very muddled and frustrating – but I tend to go with Arlogia being a daughter of Anna Porphyrogenita – not just because two genealogy sites I trust agree on the point, but also because the Brusse family into which she married rose to such dominance in Scotland and, interestingly, adopted a blue and white crest.

Copyright (c) 2015 Eric Westfall.
Original content may be quoted or replicated under the Fair Use doctrine. All other rights reserved.

19 Comments to 'Melissena'

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  1. AquaStar said,

    Thanks for all the interesting info.  So my understanding is that Edward "The Exile's" wife isn't Anna of Augsburg but the Russian Anna?  I'm still confused about.

  2. admin said,

    No, Edward's wife, the mother of Margaret, was Agatha – that's not in dispute.   The question is, what was her heritage?  There's the rub … and it appears to me that she was the daughter of Vladimir I via one of his many (6 or 7) wives, Anna princess of Byzantium. Anna carried the blood of the eastern Kagans – the Khazarian/Hun/Bulgar kings, she being a close decendent of Melessina … and that blood subsequently flowed into the aristocracy of Europe.    Apparently, that  union was so noteworthy that someone made up the myth of Melusine to pay homage to the marriage of Melissene and Inger.   (She's the mermaid on Starbucks' coffee cups.)

  3. admin said,

    The controversy regarding the two "Anna"'s relates to Vladimir I – he had two wives named Anna. 

  4. x9k720b said,
  5. admin said,

    Interesting. De Grayden was seated on the English/Scottish border, am I correct?

  6. peter de grayden said,

    the de grayden coat of arms from normandie is the same as the de lusignons

  7. Sok said,

    have you noticed that the Michael I Rangabe coat of arms also appears in the westminister abbey flag. apparantly it belonged to edward the confessor( the anglo saxon king before harold godwinson.)

    any idea on how that happened?

  8. admin said,


    Good eye.  It is also the coat of the Aethelings, the (in some cases) Fulks of Anjou, on a field of red it is the Arms of Godfrey de Boullion, and a stone cross with fleur-de-lis tipped arms was dug up in Romania and is attributed to the Avars.

    A slightly altered cross also appears as the coat of Toulouse.  The three "fleurs" divided into arms of four are the months divided into the four seasons, mirrored in the way that the zodiac is divided into four groups of three.  

    This is not a "Roman Christian cross," the way I understand it, it is, like the Celtic cross, a cross of the true Christians, the desposyni, the descendants of the family of Christ and their relations, the elves/fairies.  The true religion of Jesus (stamped out by the Church) recognized the dualistic nature of the universe and the numerical relevance of the seasons, directions and elements.  Three into four was significant, and is so represented in the three fleurs of the four arms of the Fleuried Croix.  

  9. Sok said,

    Ah ok thanks for the info.
    By the way, can you please upload the huge family tree connecting all the dragon assholes which appeared in Uroko part 10. i would really appreciate it.
    Thanks in advance

  10. admin said,

    Do you mean this?

  11. Sok said,
    its the tree that appears from 3:50 onwards
    But i havnt come accross this before.
    All these trees really help connect the dots. And also it makes it easier to explain to others who have their heads in the sand. 😀
    So thanks for making them all

  12. admin said,

    Oh, THAT genealogy!?!  I'm sorry, that was so many years ago.  It's basically a genealogy of what Tim Wallace-Murphy addresses in his two books about the Rex Deus.  These are mostly the families of noble blood (true noble blood with connections to the Merovingians, the Carolingians and the Davidic Judiarchs of Narbonne) that allied themselves with Godfrey de Boullion in the capture of Jerusalem.  There is some intermarrying with the Norman family of the Conqueror, but I suspect that that was an effort to retain power as their power was evaporating — I don't think William was of true elven blood — he was illiterate, a butcher, and even if his father was of the true ruling caste, William was a bastard.  No, sorry, that genealogy, although I did put it together, doesn't exist anymore, or, should I say, I don't think I could find it.  

    I've got to tell you, I've distanced myself from my 'Uroko' movie.  I think I was naive in some of my conclusions.  This is really deep stuff, and what I thought was white turns out to be black and vice-versa.  I've learned a lot since then and am (when not trying to make a living) working on a book.  The title is 'Red Queen White Queen,' alluding to the Conqueror's usurping of the English Aetheling throne, which is alluded to in the Alice in Wonderland books, which is why I changed the title of my website.

    It's all quite straightforward, really.  In the pre-Christian world the world was run by elves.  (Or, the red-haired, now extinct race of people we remember in our myths as elves.)  Jesus was an elf.  Jesus was Jewish.  His family, being elven, intermarried with elves in southern France and in Britain.  The Catholic Church espoused a false dogma that was challenged by the existence of the descendants of Christ, the elven families his kin intermarried with and their followers, and so the Church killed them all (or, nearly all). I cite primarily the Albigensian crusade, but the eradication of the “elves” continued with inquisitions, witch hunts, and the process of urbanization whereby they were pushed out from their former positions and starved to death.  The Normans, endorsed by the Church, took over.  If you look closely at the roots of the American families in that genealogical chart I posted, you will see that nearly all of those families are Norman, descended from ancestors that fought with William the Conqueror at Hastings in 1066.

  13. Sok said,

    Oh ok, its alright. But if you do have any other trees that arnt posted here it, it would be great if you upload them.
    Did you know that Mao Zedong was a product of a skull and bones operation? And that the same elites are behind the rise of china?
    check this video out,
    its about an hour but that guy does a good job breaking it down.
    So what they are doing is building up china while taking down america and then trying to start a war between the 2.
    According to the muslim scholar i mentioned to you earlier, its all part of the big plan. Where all the super powers will be completly wiped out and isreal will be left standing. The current crisis in the mid east with the "IS" terrorist is all about expanding its borders. IS is being used to take out assad, and after that happens isreal will whine about how terrorists are in their yard and wage war conquering all the land occpeid by the terrorists. Unfortunately for them it isnt going too well since assad is still there. thats where the iran deal comes in. Iran is the one supplting them weapons and aid. Once the US negiotiates a deal with Iran and lifts all the embargos the situation in iran will imporve and people will see much wanted prosperity. Now the US and isreal can threaten iran to back off syria or else they will reintroduce all these sanctions which can lead to civil unrest.
    i know you arnt convinced about the whole isreal thing, but keep in mind that all the elites are hardcore zionsits. The idea that isreall is just another base for the elites in the mid east doesnt make sense. sure they would have been useful 60 years ago. But now after so many arab states are also under their control why is the obsession over isreal still strong.

  14. admin said,

    Well, on the zionist thing, I wracked my brain about this for a long time, and came to the conclusion that it's a big red-herring.  With all due respect, and of course I could be completely wrong, I sense that the "elites," historically, were hardcore racists and that they let the Rothschilds and Warburgs into the "club"  only because they had to.  (These two banking families were simply too wealthy to ignore.)  The long battle that Lord Rothschild waged in order to be accepted into the House of Lords is instructive, as are some passages from the diary of Theodore Hertzl, the so-called father of the zionist movement.  Hertzl approached Lord Rothschild, asking for support of a Jewish State in Palestine.  Rothschild initially turned him down flat, saying the idea sounded "too Jewish," and suggesting that Hertzl consider Uganda instead.  (In fairness, some Rothschild family members did eventually embrace the idea.)

    That's not to say that the elites don't embrace zionism, but I think that it's because it furthers their agenda.  Once they re-draw the Middle East, I won't be surprised (if I'm still alive) if  they throw Israel to the curb.  They funded Hitler with full intent to throw him to the curb; he was simply a tool to them, to start a war in order to accomplish specific goals.  

    Again, I find too much power and influence in families that, at least leading into the 20th century, are Norman and are tied by blood to the post-Norman invasion aristocracy of England.

    I can only assume that the people that really run the world, the "elite," know more about all of this and their own history than you or I, and that they understand how superficial the brand of a specific religious denomination is.  Everything they do is in pursuit of what Nicholas Rockefeller confessed to Aaron Russo — complete control over the people everywhere.  And, since this elite are descended from a Norman aristocracy that spent a lot of time and energy trying to exterminate an elven/Jewish element in Europe and Britain, I find it very hard to believe that  all of this behind-the-curtain stuff is some sort of Jewish conspiracy.   In the end it all comes down to people who have money and power and feel that they are, somehow, entitled to rule over the rest of us, that that's their calling and the rest of us are insects.

    That's the way I see it, and in investigating who "they" are, I don't find a Jewish origin, I find origins in English aristocracy, British Intelligence, the now defunct British and Dutch East India Companies, and the wealthy American families that they supported in opposition to the engine of American Independence.

    For what it's worth.

  15. Sok said,

    What you have is a Khazar infiltration into the European royalty. I mean it was them who orchestrated the Bolshevik revolutions and the French revolution. So they take out those who cant be take over. In the end leaving only the British house standing. Yes the rothschilds and warburgs werent accepted initally, but tahts my point, they got in anyway (and ended up becoming the wealthiest people in the world). As for the rothschilds they didnt just eventually agree, they built up most of isreal.( theres a reason theres a picture of a Rothschid on the isreally currency.) This is not a jewish thing. Think of it as a tribal thing, a tribe slowly gaining power and infulence over the world while merging with other tribes for convinence. The zionish movement has absolutely nothing to do with the semitic jews and is 100% a European thing. The majority of the Zionists are athiests or christians. As for isreal, again why bother, what it does is create tension between them and their other puppets namley sadui arabia and other arabcountries, who outnumber the jews in size and real estate along with all the resources taht come with it.
    What rokerfeller actually said to Russo is that he and his family have no say in what goes on in isreal. I mean he suggested trying to relocate them to Arizona :D. Looks like they only deal in american matters( or let to deal in). And he says its beyond them. Well then who's call is it? Whos more powerful than the mighty Rockerfellers?
    Houseofnames has been classified as a scam by alot of geneologists and it makes sense since their main aim is to sell a prodcut to desperate folks trying to find their roots and heritage. They say taht the Cohen name derives from Konrad and the jewish name from the Hebrew word for priest. So whos right?
    As for the crests, i have never come accross a hohen crest taht looks like that anywhere, or the cohen one. The stewart crest is correct however. Same goes for the Norman connection. Finding our that their name is derived from a name used by a norman conquerer isnt enough to say that they are their descendants. Astor for example was a German who came from a poor background. Only a handfull can be traced to royalty. Morgan being one of them and hes welsh.
    I think you give the Normans too much credit, when it was the Jewsih bankers who were the master mind behind almost everything. For example the Coinage Act of 1873, where silver was banned as legal tender contracting the money supply. This was primarily the work of the jewsih bankers who played with gold, and getting rid of the silver allowed them to manipulate the market. It was this contraction of the money supply that allowed them to come over and finance people like Harriman and Rockerfeller. The norman theory also doesnt make sense when you see the purposeful collapse of the entire US. Where will they go after the US and europe collapses which is almost inevitable. How can they rule over a country in utter chaos? . And what about the china connection?
    When all the presidents no matter what party bows down to isreal you cant help but wonder whats going on. Why would the "racists elites" who, as you said, unwillingly accepted the jews into their circle now be bowing down to them?
    I know you have made up your mind on the origin of all this but try to give the theory i put forward a try. It would make sense to you since it too talks about 2 centres of power emerging from Britian and the caucases region. Theres also the connection with the one eye, a Red haired man and many others that will interest you.

  16. Sok said,

    Oh and the funding of Hitler, the whole reason for that was to kick start the isreal project, which has been their plan for a while. Why go through all the trouble of destroying nazi germany? Hitler had it 100% under control. So through hitler THEY had it under control. Why throw all that away? What WW2 also did was destroy the british empire which by default have birth to the american empire.
    Check out how churhill was used to destroy the UK in this That guy is like political history version of antony sutton who theyve tried to get rid of for awhile.
    This goes to  show that there are more powerfuly people than the Normans and their royal family. Do you think the royals enjoyed losing their empire?

  17. admin said,


    Thank you for the very provocative posts.  Yes, there are always multiple ways at looking at this stuff and alternate ways of interpreting the data.  I think I'm pretty open minded, and I may sway from my leanings as I investigate and learn more.  I'll tell you though, the main reason I place emphasis on the Norman element is that no one else does.  From the invasion onward the Normans were the aristocracy of England, and from the 17th century on the share-holders of the British East India Company, which not only colonized the world but made the early Massachusetts cousins of Normans abroad wealthy by cutting them in on the Opium business.  These (the Essex families) are the guys that created our Ivy League schools and whose extended families took over our commercial and political machinery in a variety of ways.  Yes, there is a whole Jewish banking angle that I addressed in Uroko and that I stand behind.  But, as an illuminating example, why, in 1915, did the funding of the Bolsheviks, whose money had previously come from Jacob Schiff and Max Warburg, both Jewish, switch over to and was inflated by the American International Corporation, led by protestants (many of them Skull and Bones alumni – and, I'm certain Jews in that Yale organization are persons-non-grata)?

    "So through hitler THEY had it under control."

    I'm not so sure they did.  They had specific goals, and Hitler helped them achieve those goals — whether Hitler knew who he was serving or not.  (In most cases, these proxies do not know who they are really serving, I'm sure Obama doesn't.)  Japan served it's purpose as well, which was to drag the US into WWII.  They had become very powerful since their modernization, and it was decided to crush them.  Or, probably closer to the truth, not stand in the way of their being crushed.  I don't think the elite really control everything that happens, I think the healthier way to look at is, they are very powerful, have some levers they can push and pull, and when things go their way, great, when they don't, they adapt and re-evaluate.  The world is complicated and even with the best planning, events are somewhat unpredictable.

    Lastly, you are correct to differentiate between Semitic and Ashkenazi (Khazar) Jewry.  I'm not sure however that the difference is all that meaningful.  We don't know why the Khazars converted, and then there is evidence that the Avars (another Asian nomadic tribe – maybe the most feared and respected) were Hebraic.  Personally, I think this controversy about Jewish influence in the world of the elite that really run things needs to be looked at through the prism of the divorce between the Templar Knights, who by the time of their banishment were heavily Norman in their make-up, and the families they had been created to protect, Rex Deus (fronted by the controversial Priory of Sion), who were, if secretly, Jewish.

  18. Sok said,

    Hey, great to see the site back up. Regarding the zionists and the obsession with the holy land check out david livingston's book "terrorism and iluminati", its available for free online. he explains it quite well
    take care

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