The Franks

The Franks first crossed the Rhine into Gaul from Germania as early as the first century A.D. in raids, crossing for good finally in the 4th century.  The Franks were actually a confederation of Germanic tribes which included the Salii, Sicambri, Chatti, Batavi and Tencteri (see notes at bottom of page), and from the Salii (better known as the Salian Franks) rose a great line of kings, the Merovingians, who united Gaul.

There is no doubt in my mind that the Franks represented an important branch of the "dragon" tree.  Merovech, for whom the royal Merovingian line was named and whose grandson Clovis united nearly all of Gaul under Frankish rule, was said to be the son of a sea-monster.  Before they moved inland into Gaul, the Frankish tribes harrassed the English Channel as pirates, and there is also evidence of biblical Levant influence in Frankish culture, which I'll get to.  The Franks never gained quite the bad reputation earned by the Vikings, and were in fact sometimes the victims of Norse raids into Gaul, but the Merovingian kings of the early Frankish kingdom were a pretty violent lot. 

Trepanned skull of Dagobert II
Trepanned skull of Dagobert II

One of the first Merovingians, a king named Chlodio, killed his brother-in-law to secure his throne. Next Merovech and his half brother Cloderic warred bitterly (though neither of them were able to kill the other), Clotaire I killed (or I should say, had killed) all of his brother Clodomir's sons, and his grandson Clotaire II murdered Sigebert II. Dagobert I had both his half-brother Charibert and Charibert's son Chilperic murdered, and Dagobert II, one of the last Merovingians, was killed by a god-son.

As it turns out, the Franks and the Vikings were cousins – Germanic tribes which migrated to northern Europe from the northern shores of the Black Sea, i.e. Scythia, maybe roughly around the same time. 

In their own mythology the Franks traced their origins to the Cimmerians through a proto-Frank peoples called the Sicambrians.  If various genalogy sites and the records and legends they derive from are to be believed, these Cimmerians in turn were descended from Trojans.  

Antenor I, Euxim of the Cimmerians
Marcomir, King of the Cimmerians
Antenor II, King of the Sicambri
Priamus, King of the Sicambri
Helenus I, King of the Sicambri
Diocles, King of the Sicambri
Bassanus Magnus,
     King of the Sicambri
Clodomir I, King of the Sicambri
Nicanor, King of the Sicambri
Marcomir II, King of the Sicambri
Clodius, King of the Sicambri
Antenor III, King of the Sicambri
Clodomir II, King of the Sicambri
Merodachus, King of the Sicambri
Cassander, King of the Sicambri
Antharius, King of the SIcambri
Francus, King of the Franks
Clodius II, King of the Franks
Marcomir III, King of the Franks
Clodomir III, King of the Franks
Antenor IV, King of the Franks
Ratherius, King of the Franks
Richemer I, King of the Franks
Odomar, King of the Franks
Marcomir IV, King of the Franks
Pharabert, King of the Franks
Sunno, King of the Franks
Hilderic, King of the Franks
Bartherus, King of the Franks
Clodius III, King of the Franks
Walter, King of the Franks
Dagobert I, King of the Franks
Genebald I, Duke of the East Franks
Dagobert II, Duke of the East Franks
Clodius IV, Duke of the East Franks
Marcomir V, Duke of the East Franks
Pharamond, King of All Franks
Clodio, King of the Franks
Merovich, King of the Salian Franks
Childeric I, King of the Salian Franks
Clovis the Great,
     King of All the Franks

The 'Liber Historiae Francorum' connects the Sicambrians straight to the Tojans in a fashion, stating that after the fall of Troy 12,000 Trojans led by chiefs Priam and Antenor migrated to the Tanais (Don) river and founded a city called Sicambria near the Sea of Azov, which would have put them in close proximity to the proto-Viking tribe of Aesir.  Other accounts have the ancestors of the Franks living in Pannonia (according to Strabo) or the Black Sea mouth of the Danube (Chronicle of Fredegar).  So, where they lived exactly, if they all lived together (which, given the many tribes which became the Franks, they probably didn't), is unclear.

The genealogy shown at the right was prepared for a regent of France and further corrected and augmented at the behest of Napolean I, who wanted to know the ancestry of the Merovingians.  It begins with Antenor I Euxim of the Cimmerians ( b. 465 A.D.; d. 511 A.D.) and traces through to the French kings of the 14th century.  Shown at right is the list up to Clovis (b. 465 A.D.; d. 511 A.D.). 

Napoleon was seemingly quite obsessed with the Merovingians, he had 300 gold bees sewn into his emperial robe which had been dug up along with the remains of Childeric I in 1653.

Napoleon with bee cloak
Napoeon in his bee-embroidered cloak

From the fact that Childeric I had himself buried with a colony of golden bees, one can infer that the bee held special meaning for the Merovingians, and indeed it did.  

An author of a book you can read on-line titled 'Tracking Ladon-Gog and the Hebrew Rose' who goes by the name 'John' spends a few chapters looking into connections between tems like 'bia', 'buzi' and 'bute'.   These are, in his words, "bee" terms and suggest roots stemming from Buz, the son of Nahor brother of Abraham.  The Merovingians may fit into this category as Merovee (the apcryphal namesake king of the Merovingians), in 'John''s own words,

…was a version of "Mer(o)-Bia," and that the bee symbol of the Merovingians was thus produced from "Bia/Obia," I made the Merope-Merovee connection tentatively until I should find evidence for it … as I write, I learned that "Merope" means "bee eater."  …There are other definitions of "Merope" given online, one being "bee mask." I then found that the White Throated Bee Eater (a bird) is called "Merops albicollis."

The bee is a fitting symbol for a family of kings, for bees live in a heirarchical society where workers and soldiers feed and protect a queen. The hexagon shape of hive-cells is chosen often by nature (snowflakes, embryonic cell-division) for its economy and strength and is an important form in "Sacred Geometry". Additionally, the interlocking triangles of the 6 pointed star we know as the Magen-David (which actually is a pagan symbol and is very old) create a hexagram in its center. One author writes:

"The Merovingian kings were noted sorcerors in the manner of the Samaritan Magi, and they firmly believed in the hidden powers of the honeycomb. Because a honeycomb is naturally made up of hexagonal prisms, it was considered by philosophers to be the manifestation of divine harmony in nature."

There is a figure from the bible also associated with bees … Samson, whose father was of the Tribe of Dan. One well known legend of Samson revolves around a lion he killed and the bees that infested the carcass. He falls in love with a Philistine woman and poses a riddle to her countrymen, "Out of the eater, something to eat; out of the strong, something sweet" (the answer to the riddle being that the lion – the "eater" – is slain and eaten, while the bees that infest the carcass produce honey, "something sweet").

Samson slaying the lion
Samson slaying the lion

The association of bees with both Samson and the Merovingian Kings is probably not a coincidence. Samson gained his strength from his long hair, while the Merovingians were known as the "long-haired monarchs". Furthurmore one of the sons of Chilperic I was named Samson. If you accept that the Franks and Vikings split off from the same branch and shared a Trojan history and possibly a shared Hebrew history with the proto-Israelites, then one can imagine how the story of Samson might have been absorbed into Frankish mythology.

If the Frankish Merovingian kings were (or believed themselves to be) descended from the same line of kings as the Israelites, then it puts a whole new spin on the "Magdalene Heresy", that is, the allegations at the heart of 'Holy Blood Holy Grail' (which provided the seed for the Dan Brown's 'DaVinci Code').   But there's another instance in history of a merging of Frankish and Israelite blood, this time far less speculative than what the Merovingians may have claimed.

'Holy Blood Holy Grail' from where Brown got many of his ideas revolves around the premise that the Merovingian kings were vessels of the blood of Christ – that Mary Magdalene was pregnant with Jesus' child at the time of Christ's death and fled to the south of France, and that that blood somehow found its way into what would become the Merovingian line.  I won't try to prove or disprove that, I would guess it would be near-impossible.   But, there are numerous clues from the bible which suggest that Mary and Jesus were in fact married … the timing of certain events described in the bible in which Jesus and Mary participated coincide exactly with the ceremony prescribed for a betrothed Judaic priest …  but the salient point is not what is true or not true, but simply that the Merovingians advertised this alleged connection to Mary of Magdala, and by extension the Davidic kings of Palestine.

Why?  … To strengthen the Merovingian claim of demi-god status.

Jesus and (his alleged wife) Mary of Magdala were both priests … royalty of the line of Davidic priest-kings, as was John the Baptist.  John was known as the "Great Nazar", while Jesus is referred to as being "of Nazareth".   Archeological and historical evidence show no evidence that the area known as Nazareth was inhabited at the time of Jesus.   What could this "Nazareth"/"Nazar" connotation refer to???

Michael Tsarion lists the following terms as meaning serpent or dragon in various dialects. 

Mayan —- Nachan
Irish ——- Nathair (Nathrach, Nadder, Naase)
German — Natter
Cornish —- Nader
Gothic – —-Nadr
Latin ——-Natrix

So, it appears that what was really being said when John was referred to as the Great Nazar or when Jesus was referred to as "of Nazareth" was that they were both kings of the ancient line, i.e. dragon-priests. The word Messiah, some believe, derives from Messeh, which was the holy Egyptian crocodile, the fat of which was used to annoint Egptian Pharaohs.

rod of Asclepius

Some may not be ready for that, but take heart, the dragon was not always an ominous creature which storybook heroes were trying to slay all the time … it was simply the sign of royalty and in fact possessed life-giving powers.  An artifact of this aspect of the dragon/serpent is that the official emblem of the medical profession to this day is the rod of Asclepius, entwined by a snake (often confused with the staff of Hermes or caduceus which has two snakes wrapped around it).

Historians, scholars, and the stories of the world we are taught in schools all identify a myriad of peoples and tribes who each played minor roles in shaping the world we live in … but I wonder if the true elite, the keepers of secret knowlege, the few who are hip to what the Greek myths and the stories in the bible and other religious texts are actually coded records of, don't see instead a much simpler version of human history, a tree of several branches representing their anscestors which split and reconnect at various times in history.

Washington monument

If, as I suspect, the ancestors, culturally if not in blood to some degree, of the Vikings and the Franks really shared a history with the proto-Israelites in Egypt, then is it any wonder that the pyramid found its way onto the Great Seal of the United States (and the reverse side of the current US Dollar)?  Or that Egyptian obalisks decorate the centers of Washington and London (there's one in Rome too, brought back from Egypt by Alexander the Great)?

(P.S. – these obalisks really represent the penis of Osiris, which was lost after Seth cut him up into 14 pieces.  Isis with the help of other dieties found all but one of them and reassembled the body of her companion, but his genitals had been eaten by a fish. THAT's what the Washington monument represents.  Washington probably wouldn't have a problem with that, he was a mason himself. :D)

Notes on the original federation of Frankish tribes

I find Wikipedia fairly useful as long as the topic isn't too controversial, and the identity of the tribes that coalesced into the Franks isn't exactly a hot topic (giggle).   Wikipedia lists them as Salii, Sicambri, Chamavi, Bructeri, Chatti, Chattuarii, Ampsivarii, Tencteri, Ubii and Batavi.  

I list these because many of these names pop up from time to time in an online book titled 'Tracking Ladon Gog and the Hebrew Rose'.  The writer, who identifies himself only as "John", is a certifiable genius in my opinion with regard to tracing the origins of the ruling elite.   I highly recommend John's book for anyone truly interested in this subject, though I should warn that Ladon Gog is not recreational reading – personally I can only bite off one chapter at a time.  (I advise keeping a browser window open to search for maps of the ancient world, genealogy trees and explanations of Greek myths so you can keep up.)

Below is a map of Germania produced in the 2nd century by Ptolomy.  A lot of insight can be drawn from looking over the names of the tribes.  It's a good bet the future Merovingians lived toward the lower left of the map where the name 'Marvingi' can be found.  Two names above Marvingi you find 'Danduti', a "Dan" name, and below it is 'Curiones' which evokes the Curetes of Greece and the Cruithne of Scotland, both connected to the Black Sea via the Grecian myth of the Calydonian Boar Hunt (more about that in a second).  The boar is, to put it simply, the trademark of the dragon-tribes of the Black Sea and connects linguistically to Bayern (Bavaria), family names like Bauer (the original name of the Rothschild family), Bower and Bayer.  Bear, also an animal you might kill with a bow and arrow, might also be connected linquistically to bow and boar, but was not a symbol of the peoples of the Black Sea – however the bear shows up on many Germanic royal coats, and Albrecht Duke of Saxony 1st Margrave of Brandenburg (whose son and grandson, Otto I and Otto II will appear in the next post) is affectionately known as Albert "the Bear".  

2nd century Germania map

Three important family coats of arms that I am aware of feature a boar – the Vere family (heritary Earls of Oxford), the Bush family (the coat of arms of the former US presidents features three boars), and the Pollock family.  Pollock translates to "head of Lug" and emerged from the Lugii or Lugi tribe.   Toward the upper right of the above map you can find the Lugi Omani, Lugi Diduni and Lugi Buri.  

There was a Lugi tribe in Scotland as well who settled in Sutherland.  Wikipedia states that they are unrelated to the Lugii of northern Europe.    I beg to differ!

Links between Scotland and tribes of the Black Sea area, are abundant.  The Milesian invaders of Scotland are represented in myth as Scythian with an Egyptian component (Mil is represented as descended from Scythian kings while his wife Scota is described as an Egyptian princess).  The Greek myth of the Calydonian Boar Hunt indicates a connection as well, for Artemis central to the myth is, like her twin brother Apollo, intimately connected with the Trojan tribes of the Black Sea area, whereas Scotland was also known as Calydonia.  In addition to the boar, another animal often associated with the tribes of the Black Sea was the wolf, and it is no coincidence that Lugi is similar to "wolf" terms such as Lykos and Lycanthrope (werewolf).   One of Apollo's epithets is 'Lykegenes', or 'of the wolf'.  Hence, these tribes are sometimes referred to (by myself and others interested in this stuff at least) as 'wolf peoples'.  

And what does the Clan Badge of the Scottish Sutherland family feature?  A wolf.

Sutherland clan badge
Sutherland Clan Badge


Copyright (c) 2015 Eric Westfall.
Original content may be quoted or replicated under the Fair Use doctrine. All other rights reserved.

10 Comments to 'The Franks'

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  1. katz said,

    What is the connection between the Franks, you speak of, and the Frankists, or Sabbeteans ?  Is there one?
    Thank you for such an interesting web site.  Your work is excellent. 

  2. Richard P Burian said,

    Try this,
    On your map you find Lugi-Buri, about where Berlin (Berjlin) sits today. The BURI Tribe claims their name comes from the 1st Nordic god Buri. I believe this god originates from Siberia, the BURYAN  Tribe around 15-20,000 BC, and related to the Paleo-American Indians relative to Lake Baikal and Shamans Rock at Cape Burkhan, Siberia. (ref also Azer-Baijan, where Buryan is Burjan in Arabic, and Burdjan in misspelled Arabic, according to some historians). The name Buryan means Sky-God, and/or the Buryan tribe being called "the wolf people" as they likely domesticated the dog from Siberian wolves I estimate at 15-20,000 BC, as Paleoindians brought this dog with them. (ref National Geographic 2-part TV special on wolves vs. domestic dogs, and dog DNA analysis.)
    The Nordic god Buri had offspring, and of importance is Bor (Borri), and Wodan (Odin, Oden) which I'll connect yet, herein.
    What are the dates for this Buri god? My best approximation is that Odin is mentioned in Troy parables, and would be ~10-1200 BC. In Iranian mythology, Burjan is assigned lands today known as Georgia (Caucasus), Colchus in the Jason and the Argonauts, and al-Burjan in this mythology. (ref maps as BURDJAN). I haven't approximated a date for the Iranian mythology.
    Burjans and Amazons (Pontic) both lived in the Georgia regions, and both also lived on Lemnos Island in the Aegean Sea, and would have the god Hephaestus (god of the forge w/hammer), whom Zeus kicked out of Mt. Olympus. I believe you can also connect these two tribes to Libya (ref Barbaria, and ancient village called Berryan).
    Burjans had a kingdom at Lake Van Turkey (today), or Anatolia. Hyperboreans called themselves Vans, and I suggest Burjans are Hyper (Boreans). Zeus is a Hyperborean god, and his son Apollo is the product of his affair with Leto, a Hyperborean mortal woman.
    However, the Greeks also had Boreas, from Nordic Bor, thus, bringing both mythologies together by their own definitions. Because Hyper-Borean means extreem-north, Hyperboreans are considered Northern peoples none-the-less, and Apollo visited this place every year of Meton (18.61 year Lunar/Solar cycle), a Hyperborean concept.  (ref Stonehenge with its 56 Aubrey post holes. Here 19+19+18=56. This is similar as a Meton "leap" year every 3-cycles to normalize this slightly nonlinear period. Purely Hyperborean).
    Back to your story. Buryans are wolf people, as are Bashkorts (Blue Wolf), and Burzyan in Bashkhortostan today. They are known as early bee producing tribes, and honey is still a product here today. This leads to Crimea, Bashkirs, and proto-Slavic-people.
    It was said Burjans on Lemnos didn't care for the Amazonian women, but preferred Thracian women. This then leads to Dacians, which are Buri affiliates known in older writings. Dacian is a word where Daci=Daos=wolf, but is also origin for the Latin word Denmark, and that this is also called Dacia on some old maps, and that Denmark exhibits early Dacian kings in their own historical writings.
    I believe Buri=Buryan=Burjan=Borean, and their of the wolf tribes, Blue wolf in particular (note Mogolian Burte Chino, Blue-Wolf mythology, Gok-Turks-Blue Turks, Blue-Bulgars, and the Turkish she-wolf godess Asena, and Romans Mars wolf god, and the she-wolf of Romulus and Remus. Because Hyperboreans called themselves Vans, I can connect to Burjans in Ahlat by Lake Van, and also add that these would be Sumerian (Suvar, a Burjan god name and city name in Sumeria),and would be Akkadian speaking people, and that Thracians are also of these language factors. However, some Hyperboreans (and Burjans) also migrated to Volga Russia territories, thus connecting to Baltic territories (Vikings). Burjans by Kazan are called the Marduan Princedom (Burjan kingdom), and dates to 747AD. The Bulgar Khazars changed this to Bolgar City (as it is today) at 760 AD. Burjans practiced the "winterfest" here on Dec. 25th, a gift exchange, also called Nardugan, or Mardukan by some. There is Bari Italy where St. Nicholos bones was reburied, and the shrine was fabricated. Bari comes from Barium, and/or Barion. They exhibit a blue/white checkerboard design in their coat of arms as does Bayern (Bavaria) and dates 10th century in most analysis.
    Consider this; Count Buryan (Burjan, Burian) of Guttenstein (in Austria) leads to Christopher Bayern (won tournament jousting tournament in 1500AD, and nicknamed "Starke" which means "strong", and is also known as Christopher Bayern, Duke of Bavaria. Count Burjan (2 of them) married princess Siguna, and their daughter Elizabeth (Alzabeta) Burjan, married Count Schlick (Schlik, Slik, a Bohemian, also 2 brothers) and one of their son's was named Burjan, and became part of the Counts of Schlick. Both Count Burjan of Guttenstein and Counts of Schlick became co-investors in the Bohemian silver mine at St. James Valley (Joachimsthal). They produced a Silver Dollar sized coin called a Taller, and later a Taler, by slang, and is origins for the word dollar. I believe they are of the Order of the Golden Fleece as it is on their coins. You can also find a crescent moon (horizontal position) with a star or moon above it. This can be found on Bury coins England, a Buryatia flag, an Azerbaijan flag, and numerouse other Burjan related locations. You can also find a Lutheren "crosslet" type cross (ref Lord Buriano of Moravia). You can also find the double headed eagle, i.e. Hohen-Staufen pedigree and of Rhine regions. Burians of the Netherlands is translatable as Beieren, and/or Counts of Buren, and 8th American President Martin Van Buren (Dutch). This may help you a bit with your Baverian comments. And what does this have to do with Bari Italy, and BMW's car logo with this blue and white checkerboard design? By the way, you may note in the Da Vince's Lord Supper painting, you can also fin this checkerboard design on the tablecloth panels. Does the Illuminati figure this in too? The stained glass window here in California was made in Italy from Da Vince's drawings, but I'm not certain if Da Vince's painting actually exhibits these colors. but probably do. He lived in the village next to Buriano Italy. I believe Burjan is the Biblical "Gog", but I don't want to mysticize my research, and do want to de-mystcize the Hyperboreans as well.
    It would have been Burjan-Boreans whom wrote Jason and the Argonauts, as the name and Author Apollinus would be a Borean derived name to begin with. Besides, they live in the locations in the epic journey as well as the fact it was written hundreds of years later, in Greece, and Greeks knew little of this ancient history when written. Note Amaozon coins exhibit a wolf type headgear.
    Burians were affiliated with Kipchaks (Qypchaqs), which I believe is the origin of Draco's, and of the Draco's found in Romania, Italy, Spain, England, and ancient Angelic-Saxony coins. Also, this is relative to the mythology of Lithuania's capital city name, from a metal-wolf, a Draco. A Draco is a wolf headed serpent or dragon.
    I believe Iberians (Cacasus) are Celtiberains (Spain as Iberian, and the Ebur River, where Ebur=Hebrew=Iberu=Iberia. Note that Spain has Buriana beach here today, and the ancient Borriana village. Also note some Celtiberian coins exhibit a wolf too. I have a picture of one of thier Draco war horns, too.
    Burgundians are called Burjans by some historians. However, Burgundians can also be traced to the N/ Black Sea, and maybe Burgund mountain regions of Siberia. Thus, this may be correct. Burgindians can also be Lombards which migrated from the Netherland-Rhine regions at ~200 AD, to Milan, their capital at ~800 AD, and related to Colonna Di Buriano, Italy (Tuscany), and the Buriano bridge in the Mona Lisa Painting. Collectively, it may be the Order of the Golden Fleece, as these are the same people anyway.
    This would also connect Romania's wooden henge to Norfolk England early henges made of wood, which date 2-4,000 BC. In Norfolk, their early coins called Bury types exhibit wolf's as well. Also crescent moon/star or sun symbols. This leads to Chatteau de Bury in North central France, too.
    All these people have my last name BURIAN, and would be of the R1a1 haplogroup, and I've tested my own y-DNA (male), and I also carry the M45 Siberian marker. If I'm correct, then this surname could help establish these tribal members using DNA analysis as complimentary.
    There is much more to my story which I've dubbed the Grand Global Genome (GGG) theory as way to package my concept and differentiate other resources and commentators. Anyway, these factors can be understood as I've partly outlined above, but requires careful weighting of the available factors to draw reasonable conclusions, or devise a reasonable model to work from. This part of history for Europe's Dark Ages is still wide open in my opinion. Your blogs in some ways overlap mine, and the comments herein may help further refinement.
    Also, Buri shows a second translation as Bouri according to your Ptolomy map. An Italian Burian can be France's Bourges, too, as I have some reference to this Burian surname which migrated out of Italy during medeival times.
    I've researched this name since 1973, and I'm swamped with it's global distribution, which I can clearly show using historical writings, archaeology, languages, religions, mythologies, DNA, etc. I'm Czech-Bohemian-post Columbus-American, and likely Paleo-American Indian, too (Atsina tribe in particular).
    To make this compelling consinder the movie "Gladiator". This true story is the Buri tribe on the upper Vistula River (Poland) fighting the Romans, and documented in Roman writings ~170AD. Note the main Gladiator (called Spainyaird) wore a wolf skin, but also had his "wolf god". Burjan (Burdjan) by definition means the "Wolf's Soul", so the movie is absolutely correct in it's rendition of this event. The Buri as wolf soul can be traced to Macedonia prior to this event, I believe. Burjan is a name in Alexander the Great's pedigree, too.
    The movie 13th Warrior also typifies the Marduan Princedom mentioned above, and is also a true story as ibn-Fadlan is a true ambassador from Arabia, and his embassy was in Bolgar City (today)=Marduan Princedom (Burjan Kingdom) as well.
    Jason and the Argonauts is another correct movie for a Burjan tribe.
    Hopefully, this may awaken some readers to some new avenues of research. These statements should "ring true" to all concerned. See if this isn't so. Thanks for the blogs, GGG guy, RP Burian. Best Wishes, and Happy Nardugan (no pun intended). Also, I want serious readers to "beat me up on this", if you can. I believe my research will holds its own ground, and most will find this to be true. I also need to adapt more into this story, if overlooked. Revisions may also be in order. All comments are indeed welcome, whether or not one agrees with my outline herein.
    Also. the newer Troy in England hypothesis I believe has merit. It's author is Wilkens of the Netherlands and can be found on the Internet/ It suggests these inflections can change the general landscape tremendously, if true. Suggested review of this is warranted. I believe a movie disc is available on this research now, and, in light of the recent Troy in Anatolia television specials running concurrent. If Troy was in England, than what is the name for the Troy city found in Anatolia?
    I may have this answer, but I'm only partially sure right now from other research on this territory concerning Burjan tribe history.  Suggestions welcome.

  3. admin said,


    That's a good question … I haven't looked into the Sabbateans, but I know they are related to this narrative, 'Saba' is synonymous with Shiva, Sheba and Cybele aparently, which in turn all tie in to Great Mother worship.    I won't speculate, actually because at this time I am immersed in a book that is giving me a whole new perspective on all this … will probably return with newfound insights after the holidays… and sorry it took so long to reply –  cheers

  4. admin said,

    @ R. Burian

    Great stuff. 

    I suspect that Troy in Antolia was the original, and Troyes in Champagne and New Troy (London) were named in homage. 

    An interesting footnote,  "Uncle Sam" is a fun mystery full of hidden meaning, and the 'Sam" in that nickname for America appears to be the same as the 'Sam' in Sames, Samothrace, Semele, Samson.  One widely excepted story for the origins of the 'Uncle Sam' monicker revolves around a meatpacker based in a New England town of Troy  … classic mythwriting in the modern age. 

  5. admin said,

    @ theater amplifier

    Not sure what specifically you mean by "things like this" … the word messiah definitely derives from the meaning of "to annoint", hence "annointed one".  The holy crocodile of Egypt whose fat was used for the ceremony was called the 'Messeh'.   Stephen Franklin has done a lot of research that I think is pretty great which points to blood relations between the Pharaohs and the patriarchs of the Israelite kings. Michael Tsarion is the person (as I noted) who noticed all the 'Nacher/Nader' etc. dragon-meaning terms.  The dragon simply denoted royalty … and, is also an important element in the creation myth as embraced by the esoteric and Gnostic cults and ancient Mystery Schools … that's to say the "dragon" or "serpent" squeezed the "vegetable" realm and created consciousness, it is from this concept that we get our biblical serpent and tree of knowlege, and from where the Greeks got their dragons guarding orchards and gardens.  The dragon does not denote evil, far from it. 

  6. Elreb said,

    ‘to the high priest Yehochanan [John-anan] and his associates, the priests in Jerusalem; and to Ostan, the kinsman of Anani; and the Judah elites” 

    The high priest “Yehochanan” appears to relate to “Yehonatan” [Jonathan] 0r [Johnaten]
    I think this is your “John the Baptist” 

  7. Elreb said,

    As far as I know…a “Nazar” was a Prophet consecrated to holiness and divine things
    Nazar (Hebrew, Jewish). One "set apart"; a temporary monastic class of celibates spoken of in the Old Testament, who married not, nor did they use wine during the time of their vow, and who wore their hair long, cutting it only at their initiation.
    Joseph, Sampson, and Samuel are described as Nazars
    They related to “Nezer” as in Nebuchadnezzar
    Zar or Sar related to Usar/Asar who was Osiris
    And who got their penis cut off? 

  8. ジャケット メンズ

  9. L. Black said,

    Another word for serpent is Naga, which comes from India and is part of Hindu folklore.

  10. Sok said,

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