Posted on June 24th, 2019
Someone in the news today made note of the fact that US interventions in Central and South America over the later half of the 20th century are largely to blame for the less-than-happy conditions in some of the countries that are fueling the surge of migrants presently. Actually, that is in large part true. (Large […]
Posted on April 5th, 2019
We are literally at war right now — those who hope to finally destroy the whole concept of America, a country run by it's own people where the administrators are elected by and accountable to the people that elected them, where corruption is (supposed to be) untolerated, and where everyone is (supposed to be) free […]
Posted on January 10th, 2019
Posted on January 3rd, 2019
I just looked at my traffic stats. It's hovered around 20 – 30,000 hits (what "hits" means, I'm not sure) per month for years, without me even posting much. I don't know who is out there reading this stuff, but a big thank you! Then, I secured the site, did some SEO analysis, fixed some code […]
Posted on December 30th, 2018
Here's another way of looking at it. The "most hated civilization in the world" is the one and single time in human history that a people stood up to their oppressors (the British, but more specifically the slave-trading opium-peddling British East India Company) and said, we are a free and independent people and we declare […]
Posted on December 24th, 2018
Posted on November 20th, 2018
Fascism is defined as control of industry by the State. (When the State, the government, tightly regulates industry, tells it what to produce, how much, tries to set prices, stuff like that, that’s Fascism. Obama tried to do more of that; Trump is doing the opposite.) Mussolini, a lefty socialist, came up with the brilliant […]
Posted on September 12th, 2018
The ‘white-colonialist-rich-racist-asshole’ meme is increasingly popular these days. Let me add some perspective. The white, rich, colonialist assholes of our history were the British aristocrat stockholders of the British East India Company, who colonized the world, wreaked havoc all over during Queen Victoria’s reign (all under the flag of white supremacy), traded Indian opium to […]
Posted on August 1st, 2018
Mike, the only way anyone can navigate all this crazy back and forth is to understand the history of the American Experiment. It came forth from the Enlightenment, within Freemasonry, but was so extreme to the traditional tenets of (pro-monarchal) Freemasonry that new chapters were created (by a few of the founders, Franklin being the […]
Posted on July 26th, 2018
There is a continuous narrative stretching back to the revolution, people, families, corporations, whose main goal was to destroy the crazy idea that people could rule themselves and that government should be small and responsive to the people. They HATED that idea from the moment it was proposed and have been fighting against it ever […]
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