The Vikings
First, why do we care about the Vikings?
By the 13th century the Norman descendents of the Vikings in Europe had literally gone from being an annoyance to the most powerful force in Christendom. William the Conqueror, a direct descendent of Rollo had conquered England. Southern Italy, Sicily and the Holy Land were all under Norman control, and the Templar Knights had built a commercial empire the likes of which no one had ever seen, visible in the hundreds of castles and churches they erected across Christendom.
Few really appreciate the Vikings and their influence – the English words for four of the days of the week are in fact named for Viking gods or royal figures. Wednesday is named for Woden, the first great god-king of the Norse in Scandinavia. Thursday is named for his son, Thor, and Friday after his wife and Queen, Frigg or Freyja. Tuesday, which I left for last, is named for the Viking god of war and justice, Tyr or Tiw, Tuesday being literally "Tiw's day".
Reading 'Tyr', as the god's name is usually spelled, sent up a red flag in my head when I had become interested in the possible northern Levant (modern Lebanon and Syria) roots of the Vikings, for one of the great coastal cities of Canaan (which the Greeks called Phoenicia) was Tyre.
Is it a coincidence? Are there any other clues that Phoenicia/Canaan lied in the Vikings' past?
Both are known as having been expert ship builders. Now, I can't really say for sure how many Viking or Phoenician ships actually sported red and white striped sails, but both are nearly always represented that way, and the construction of the ships of the two peoples was strikingly similar.
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Flag of Lebanon | Beruit Coat of Arms |
The flag of Lebanon and the coat of arms of Beruit, a city founded by the Phoenicians (as Berytus), reflect the use of red and white as a color theme in ancient Phoenicia. I kind of giggle to myself whenever I eat at TGI Friday's, with their signature red and white stripes everywhere, for the simple fact that our word for Friday is handed down from Frigg, the Viking goddess-queen. I suspect that her name in turn derived from Phrygia. Most won't get the irony of that (yet), but file this in the back of your head somewhere – the ritual orgies of the Corybantes of Phrygia, like a Friday night at TGIF, were notorious for being wild and noisy.
Surely it's a coincidence I know, but what about the red and white stripes of the American flag? Or the same stripes on the flag of the British East india Trading company? Or the flag of Imperial Japan? Red and White sure seems to be popular among plundering pirates and commercial empires.
When one looks for correllations between the Vikings and Mesopotamian culture in general, more similarities emerge. Pagan practices like animal sacrifice and similarities between the pantheons of gods and goddesses between the two are evident, but more conspicuous is the Norse legend of Yggdrasil the 'world tree'. This myth has its mirror in the 'tree of life' found in Kabbalah and the mythologies of Sumer and Assyria (and which also found its way into the mythos of Egypt, India and even China). A serpent is often associated with the tree of life, in one of the earliest Sumerian myths Lilitu (the model for Lilith) in the form of a serpent is coiled around the trunk of Innana's tree of life. The serpent in the garden of Eden is another version. In the Norse sagas, the dragon Níðhöggr gnaws at the roots of the world tree, or as described in the Grímnismál (of the Poetic Edda) more serpents "than any fool can imagine" lie beneath it.
It would be a mistake to think of the pagans who populated the northern Levant and northwestern Mesopotamia in biblical times as "proto-Vikings", for this was a rich cultural fount to which many cultures can potentially trace their roots. It might be easier to work backwards from Scandinavia to see how the roots of the Vikings might extend back to the Levant and Mesopotamia.
The Vikings weren't the Vikings when they arrived in Scandinavia from Central Asia, they were the Aesir and companion tribes the Vanir and the Erul. Viking was an Old Norse word meaning sea-expedition, and a vikingr was someone who partook in these expeditions. The word became affixed to the Norse invaders, maybe by the Franks, and the name stuck.
Before migrating north to Scandinavia the Aesir had lived for countless centuries on and around the shores of the Sea of Azov on the north side of the Black Sea. The other main tribe which made up the proto-Viking migration to Scandinavia were the Vanir, who lived close by around lake Van in the Caucasus.
Central Asian origins of the Vikings of Scandinavia are confirmed by a mountain of evidence. Many archeological finds in Scandinavia belie Scythian/Central Asian influences, and these begin to appear fairly abruptly in the archeological record around the 5th century AD. Bracelets, bronze plaques, highly decorated armor and horse trappings, all consistent with Scythian influence date from this period, as does evidence of the introduction of horses in Scandinavia. Some graves have in fact been found in which horses have been buried along with their owners, notably in Bornholm, Sweden. This was a tradition practiced by Central Asian nomadic tribes like the Huns. Also, genetic research has uncovered DNA (Y-chromosome) markers which show up in both Scandinavian and Central Asian populations.
Prior to their time in Central Asia the Aesir and the Vanir were Trojans. They had arrived on the northeast shores of the Black Sea as refugees of the Trojan war after the fall of Troy to the Greeks. These were peoples highly skilled in weapon making and (allegedly) "Aes" meant literally "iron people" and the Aesir were so named by the local Scythians (Aesir being the plural). By the same logic the Sea of Azov around which the Aesir settled meant literally "sea of iron", as explained by Tim Osterholm below:
Evidence that the Aesir (Iron people) were Trojan refugees can be confirmed from local and later Roman historical sources, including the fact that the inner part of the Black Sea was renamed from the Mare Maeotis to the "Iron Sea" or "Sea of Aesov", in the local tongue.
Also from Osterholm:
…The Aes (also As, Asa, Asas, Asen, Aesar, Aesir, Aesire, Æsir or Asir) soon built their famous fortified city Aesgard or Asgard, described as "Troy in the north." Various other sources collaborate this, stating the Trojans landed on the eastern shores with their superior weaponry, and claimed land. The area became known as Asaland (Land of the Aesir) or Asaheim (Home of the Aesir).
…Tradition knows these Aesir warriors as ancient migrants from Troy, formidable fighters who inspired norse mythology and as the ancestors of the Vikings. They were feared for their warships, as well as their ferocity in battle, and thus quickly dominated the northern trades using the Don river as their main route to the north.
…Historians note that Odin, who was a very popular Thracian ruler, led a migration … with thousands of followers from the Black Sea region to Scandinavia. It is also told that another Thracian tribe came along with them, a people called the Vanir (also Vaner or Vans) … These tribes first settled in present-day Denmark, and then created a power-center in what is now southern Sweden. About 800 years later during the Viking era, Odin, the Aesir and Vanir had become gods…
A second theory of the origin of the term 'Aesir' should be noted. Walter Baucum (and there are others I assume) has asserted that Aesir derives from Asher, one of the 12 tribes of Israel. I find that almost plausible actually, for Asher tribal territory was in the far north of Israel on the coast, just below Phoenicia and beside the lands inhabited by Naphtali and Dan, two Israelite tribes which figure in this whole narrative. (I could actually buy that both theories could be to different extents accurate – but don't think too hard about it, it's not so important and either hypothesis fits easily into the overall big picture I hope to convey.)
A few words on who these 'Trojans' were. Alternately they were Trajans, Thracians, or Dacians. (The Greeks had an expression, "drunk as a Thracian", alluding to their wild and belligerent nature.) Homer called them the Dardanoi, some referred to them as Phrygians or Anatolians. Clearly, the Trojan confederation was huge and was made up of a multitude of tribes, and while a Thracian was a Trojan, a Trojan was not necessarily a Thracian. Which among the many Trojan tribes became the Aesir is anyone's guess.
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Before moving on, let me point out that various genealogy charts (whose validity are only as good as the research behind them by the way and should be taken with a grain of salt) list close ancestors of Woden as being Trojans. On the right is a portion of an entry at a genealogy site I like and refer to often, 'Jamie Allen's Family Tree & Ancient Genealogical Allegations'. (Finn and Frithuwulf the Trojans would not have lived in Anatolia or Thrace during the Trojan era of course, but in Scythia or Scandinavia … Troy fell more than a millenium before they would have lived.)
The last step backward from the Trojans of Thrace and western Anatolia to the pagan Ba'al worshippers of the northern Levant is more difficult to confirm. Geographically the land of the Trojans was not far from Phoenicia … you just walk up the Levant coast to Anatolia (modern Turkey) and take a left. Furthermore, the Phoenicians sailed all over the area, including into the Black Sea through the Bosphorus Straights (George Rawlinson; History of Phoenicia, Chapt. 3). (Note; A connection between The Trojans and the "Sea Peoples", pirates who harassed cultural centers of the Mediterranean as far as Egypt and of whom little is known has been alleged. Unfortunately this is of little help, for these Sea Peoples have never been convincingly identified.)
However, if you dive into mythology and various speculative genealogy trees, the founders of Troy came from Egypt via Greece, linking up before that to the family of Abraham. The genealogy surmised at the JDA website I mentioned above goes something like this …
Dardanus (king of Acadia)
Erichthonius (king of Acadia)
Tros of Acadia
Ilus, founder of Troy
Laomedan (king of Troy)
Tithonius of Troy
(–skip generations–)
Thor, king of Thrace
(–skip generations–)
Bedwig of Sceaf
(–skip generations–)
Beaw (king in Denmark)
(–skip generations–)
Flocwald of Asgard
Finn the Trojan
Frithuwulf the Trojan
Woden (Odin)
Some of the above may or may not be mythological figures, I offer it simply to note the likelihood that the leaders of the proto-Vikings didn't migrate straight from Mesopotamia to Thrace/Anatolia, but took a side-route through Egypt. This is assuming that Dardanus was a son (or a descendant) of Zerah son of Judah. There is independant confirmation of this notion though, in the bible – where one of the sons of Zerah is in fact Darda. Then you have Danaus and Cadmus emmigrating to Greece from Egypt in myth and in the chronicles of Heroditus, and we can be pretty certain that a Dardanus really did found Dardania in western Anatolia on Mt. Ida, for the nearby Turkish Strait is known as the Dardanelles to this day. I should point out that if this genealogy of the Trojan and Viking kings is at all accurate, it would make them of the same stock as the Davidic priest-kings of Israel (and the Cimmerian-Salian Frank kings as well, as we shall see.)
Into where in this scenario, you might wonder, does Phoenicia fit?
There's some evidence that the birthplace of the biblical Abraham, normally accepted as having been Ur near Sumer, was in fact Ugarit, an ancient city which lied on the coast of modern Syria just north of what was then Phoenicia.
Abraham and the Kingdom of Ugarit
The Location of Ur
All manner of theories have been developed about the location of Ur of the Chaldees, the city where Abraham was born. With the discovery of inscribed "references to Sumerian Ur" and especially with excavations there by C. Leonard Woolley, as Cyrus H. Gordon points out in his Before the Bible, it became fashionable to identify Abraham's birthplace with the city where,
The Royal Tombs yielded such splendid finds that the success of the expedition gave the illusion of finality to a specious identification. Older books―including many a forgotten tome of the nineteenth century―correctly locate Ur of the Chaldees in the general Haran area…. All of the connections of the Patriarchal Narrative are northern, with no trace of direct contact with Sumer and Akkad.
This "Ur" has never been located convincingly…
The most obvious candidate for the northern Ur is Ugarit, as we shall see shortly, the location of a line of kings with major parallels to the ancestral line of Abraham.
Finally, there is some circumstantial evidence linking the Trojans of Thrace and Anatolia to Mesopotamia via religion, namely a connection between the cults of Cybele (Kybele) and Sabazios practiced by the Trojans and Kaballah, the origins of which lie in Chaldea near Sumer. While Kaballah is not generally associated with the Phoenicians, two centers of Kaballah learning were Alexandria and Carthage, both major trading hubs of the Phoenicians, and the "Great Mother" was a predominant theme all over the area during biblical times, Phoenicia being no exception where she took on the mantle of Astarte.
Of course no one can be sure how the 'Tree of Life', Great Mother worship and dragon imagery passed from the ancient Sumerians to the proto-Aesir of the Trojan kingdom, but given the conspicuous similarity in the construction of Phoenician and Viking ships, the fact that both the future Vikings and the pagans who inhabited the coast of the northern Levant were marked for their seafaring expertise and other clues, I'd be very surprised if the ancestral roots of the Vikings didn't pass through that area.
It's not so important though exactly how dragon-culture slithered it's way from Sumer to western Anatolia and Thrace, we can be pretty certain that it did. I am intriqued by how these words effortlessly morph into one another – Trojan/Trajan/Thracian/Dacian/Dagon/Dragon.
That, to me, is incredible. It's like you could just write 'Dragon' in place of 'Thrace' on every map of the ancient Mediterranean world.
There's actually a bit more to this story, which has to do with three mountains (Mt. Hermon in Phoenicia, Mt. Hazzi/Zephon (currently Mt. Aqraa) farther up the coast at the northern edge of modern Syria near Ugarit, and Mt. Ida at the western end of Anatolia near Troy). Other clues indicate that Canaanites transplanted to Egypt or settled on the Island of Crete migrated to Greece and Anatolia. Pagan religion, complete with child or animal sacrifice ritual and Great Mother worship which had flourished in Canaan now reached its pinacle in the popularity of the (closely related) cults of Kybele and Sabazios in Anatolia and Thrace, spreading eventually from there to other parts of Greece (and later Rome).
After the fall of Troy the once great Trojan kingdom appears to have broken up, many of its more adventurous tribes setting out to find fortune elsewhere, the proto-Vikings among them.
If I seem a bit scattered or non-committal at times, I am! This stuff is extremely difficult to get to the bottom of. Secondly, I sometimes veer dangerously close to the perverted cults of Anatolia and the other parts of Troad (the area extending around Troy), which I'm dying to dive headfirst into, but these things have to be taken one at a time in the proper order or it just doesn't make sense. All in good time.
After all this Troy business I can't help but conclude by pointing out that the leader of the Templar Knights Hughes de Payen (literally Hugh "the pagan") and possibly a couple of other founding Templars hailed from the Champagne region of France where their mentor Bernard of Clairveaux built his monestary. The capital of Champagne was and still is … Troyes.
Sources and further reading:
Central Asian roots of the Vikings
Magic and Paganism in Prehistoric Scandinavia
History of the Swedes
Original content may be quoted or replicated under the Fair Use doctrine. All other rights reserved.
One of several superior posts I’ve go through a short while ago, awesome thing.
How come this site is so slow? Takes like 20 seconds for this page to load!
Dunnoh. No problems loading on my end … but sorry for the inconvenience,
It is either you’re Service Provider or you have a bug in you computer…
The site does not have the problem…
Elreb, your knowledge of these things in deep detail is INVALUABLE!!!! WoW!!!
Hyksos = Horse-people??? – how 'bout, 'German' (the Franks, Vikings, Saxons & Goths were all Germanic) being derived from 'Kerman', a place in modern Iran near the Hormuz straights (Hormuz – Herman – connection?), probable homeland of the Sumerian Great Mother Goddess Inanna, KERMAN …. WHERE THE HORSE WAS FIRST DOMESTICATED…
If that doesn't blow yer skirt up, I have, in my computer files, an old Roman map on which Kerman (in modern Iran) is marked in big letters as … 'Megan'. … Megan David???
In a nut shell:
Venetian [Adriatic Veneti], Phoenician and Veneti [Gaul] were blood related, western European seafaring traders originating in the area of Vannes, Brittany. The Veneti preferred building their boats using “Oak” the wood of both Zeus and Thor.
The Greeks gave Veneti ships names like Hippio and Galloi. Galloi or Gauloi derives from Gaul and became the standard Galley used in the Mediterranean.
Hippoi was a specialized boat used for shipping “Horses”. It is possible that the Hippoi came from Phoenician Poseidon and his connection with horses. In Minoan Crete [Knossos] Poseidon is called “Enesidaone”…compare…enesi-daone to Pho-enician.
This “work horse” of the sea would often sport a horse head which sometimes indicated Gades/Hades or modern Cadiz in Spain.
Now if we go back to Psammetichos [664 – 610 BC] who rewarded his allies the Ionians and Carians with places to live in called “The Camps”, opposite each other on either side of the Nile. They were described by Herodotus as being of Minoan descent.
The Hyksos capital & Port known as Avaris = El-Dab’a where the Minoan wall paintings at are of particular interest to Egyptologists and archaeologists.
Hyksos has an actual meaning of “Horse=People”. Less than 2 miles from Avaris we find the House of Ramses [Pi-Ramesses] and horse related stables and paraphernalia. [Estimated room for 460 horses]
PSS: Keep in mind that the “Experts” have dated history incorrectly keeping them clueless.
Let’s begin to connect the dots but we must first remove the “double” history invented modern historians.
1. I was amazed at the uncanny resemblance between Thor and Zeus. The first thing a toolmaker needed to create before anything else was a hammer. [Keep in mind that Ptah the god of Craftsmen wore a skull cap and carried the staff of Waset]
2. Now, if we take a closer look at the Northern or Nordic “Bronze Age” we discover the “Trundholm Sun chariot” found in Zealand and dated to around 1400 BC. It shows a horse pulling the Sun on a wagon with spoked wheels.
3. Josephus, the Jewish historian, believed that the Hyksos were "the children of Israel".
4. One of the tribes of Cyrus the Great were the “Germanii”. In order for Cyrus to become a Messiah…he had to come from the House of David.
5. Modern Iran was often known as Persia…therefore we would expect to see the word “Kerman”.
6. We already agree that Perseus was Cyrus. The horse of Perseus was “Pegasus” who was sired by Poseidon, in his role as horse-god, and foaled by the Gorgon Medusa who was beheaded by Perseus. If my guess is correct then Hyksos relates to Pegasus.
In conclusion, German is correct. Schleswig or South Jutland was homeland of the Jute tribe north of the river Eider and that of the Angles to its south.
Ovid, Metamorphoses 4. 786 ff (43 BC – 18 AD)
"While deep sleep held fast Medusa [Medes] and her snakes, he Perseus [Cyrus] severed her head clean from her neck; and from their mother's blood swift-flying Pegasus and his brother Khrusaor [Rus] with the golden sword, sprang . . . he, it's said, was violated in Minerva's [Min] shrine by (Lord of the Sea) [Poseidon]."
Menrva was born from the head of Zeus making all the folks Minoan.
I would guess that these “Sea People” [Pelset] Hyksos types were also Minoan.
That said, I am currently considering Noah to be “Nordic” [North German] sailing in an Oak boat, and a race who were tall, light skinned, light-colored eyes and many having “Red” hair.
If you recall, the sons of Heth were called Hittite…after Hatti. The sons of Canaan were Sidon and Heth. The way I see it…Sidon was “Cydon” of Crete and Hatti was Batti of “Cyrene”…a colony of Crete.
[Please note the "Cy"…Cydon, Cyrene, Cyrus…
Now getting back to Germany, there is a sacred “Oak” [Donner] with the meaning of Thunder and is commonly called “Thor’s Oak”.
Thor's Oak was a legendary oak tree sacred to the Germanic tribe of the Chatti.
You just cannot make this stuff up!
I think, I suspect, you are spot on. It all "fits" with what I know and/or have concluded.
"John" of "tribwatch" fame has a lot to say about these Hatti/Chatti.
Do "John" and "Steve" give you credit…like I do?
John doesn't even know who I am (I don't think – and, he's been quiet for about a year) and, I don't know who Steve is. But, I don't keep track. My knowledge of ancient Egyptian & Persian history is paper thin – Elreb has taught me alot, and I'm trying to catch up. … And, I appreciate the interest in my 'sort-of-out-of-the-box' ideas.
Perseus and Sanders
In one story of Perseus, Cassiopeia was the wife of king Cepheus of Kush, located in Southern Egypt.
The boast of Cassiopeia was that both she and her daughter “Andro-meda” were more beautiful than all the nymph-daughters of the sea god Nereus located on the southern shore of the Black Sea called Pontus. [Bible Punt or Put]
This brought the wrath of Poseidon [Crete], ruling god of the sea, upon the kingdom of Kush. The infamous Sea People…
In another story, Perseus was the son of Zeus and Danaë, the only child of Acrisius, King of Argos.
Because of the Oracle of Delphi, Danae was imprisoned in a bronze tower to which Zeus came to her in a shower of Gold and impregnated her and this “Virgin” mother begot Perseus…the son of Zeus.
Fearful of this offspring of Zeus, Acrisius cast Danae and Perseus into the Sea in a wooden container. After many days afloat they arrived on the shore of an Island.
In one case, this Island of Sara/Sarah could be Serifos, however we already know that Perseus was Cyrus…therefore the Island could be Cyprus. [Only 70 miles from Urgrit]
My theory is that the Phoenicians were nothing more than the Veneti from Vannes in Brittany.
Legend has it that the “Gaditanian Hippoi” boat received its name due to having a horse head carved on the bow.
Gades is modern Cadiz, located in the territory of Andalisia, Spain.
Andalusia appears to have received its name from Vandalusia and is the home of the Andalusian war horse.
This thick necked horse is a dead ringer for the horses we see Akhenaten, Tut and Ramese riding.
My conclusion is that the horses in Egypt were of Vandalusian stock and where brought there by way of the Gaditanian hippoi.
You just can’t make this stuff up.
The town of “Arkum” in the province of “Mersin” in Turkey is a flood plain for the Goksu River, also known as the Saleph River.
In June of 1190, the German Holy Roman Emperor, Frederick I [Frederick Barbarossa/Red-Beard] fell off his horse and drowned in this river.
The confluence if this river is 5 miles south of the town of “Mut”. [Yes, the same Mut we hear of in Egypt. Mut is roughly 40 miles Northwest of Arkum.
30 miles west of “Mut” is the town of “Ermenek” in the “Karaman” province. Its ancient name was Germanicopolis and later they dropped the “G” and the opolis. [gErmenek]
Now to get to the point…
Of the tribes of Cyrus the Great…the Pasargadae, Pa-sar-gadae = Gades/Gadir of whom contained the clan of the Achaemenids [Akhmin] from which spring the Perseid kings. [House of Zeus]
A lesser tribe was called the Germanii.
I'm curious about this "Andro-meda" name, Meda is a "bee term". Media, Merovingian, these are terms of the "bee" branch of the dragon cult. (As Mead is a drink made from honey.) Media, represented in Greek myth by Medusa, was of course the only sister of the three who was not "immortal" and was conquered by Cyrus (Perseus).
But, those persistent "bee" peoples, descended from 'Buz', (Buzy as a bee) persisted … and the princess of BYZantium Melessina (again, "Mel-" – think "bee") flooded her Kazhar/Hun/Avar blood into the Frank/Avar/Viking mix in Europe in the early 9th century and, basically, that was the mix of European aristocracy from then on.
They even made up a myth about her and her Varangian husband Inger (the "Angle") – the myth of Melusine – you can see her, the mermaid with dual fish/serpent tails (representing the merging of the eastern & western branches of the dragon) on your Starbucks coffee cup.
The Germanic houses, those descended directly from the merger of Melessina (Jewish Khazar/Avar/Hun, with solid “bee” overtones) and Inger (Christian Frank/Viking/Avar, also with solid “bee” overtones) who took turns ruling Europe as Holy Roman Emperors from there on, Hohen, Wettin, Brunswich, Baben etc., are of course reflected in the characters of the Flintstones cartoons. LoL!!!
Right now, the inheritors of this dragon-cult-ruling-elite are trying to get the US to invade Iran … 'cause Iran stands in the way of pipelines they want to build from the Caspian basin to the Persian Gulf, 'cause they have a lot of oil & gas, and most importantly, Iran is Muslim and Muslims forbid Usury, the charging of interest by banks.
How can the bankers control Iran when they can't charge interest? – They can't … and that's why you hear all this made-up stuff about Iran's moves to develop a nuclear weapon
Jeeeze, how long ago was it that they told us that Saddam had all these WMD and was gonna have a nuclear capability? How'd that work out? How gullible are we, are we gonna fall for the same "wolf cry" again?
I think the American people are, very sorry to say it, but for the most part, just that. Gullible.
He of the Bee = 18th dynasty of Egypt
The oracle of Amon [Zeus] shows up for the first time in 685 BC
Deioces, Diyako or Deiokes the first king of the Medes who shows up around 694 BC
In Japanese, a powerful lord was a Daimyo.
Do you think that Japanese “myoden” relates to Viking Odin?
Seems like a stretch to me. "Myo" I can see as being a "bee" term. "Dai", I can't say, but in Japanese "dai" in this case is simply "big". The "Myo" is written with the character for name, so it means literally big name … but I can see the bee influence as these words were being formed back when these people took over Japan in the 2nd, 3rd centuries.
The following is just a guess…
Japan, the house of the rising Sun or sun origin…appears to have correct dates.
Emperor Jimmu [660 to 585 BC] is thought to be a direct descendant of the sun goddess.
Amaterasu or Amateru both relate to “Ra” the sun god or even “Anu”.
Kami relates to “Ka”.
“On” in Nihon normally related to “land’.
Royal color included Yellow.
I think you are pushing it too far, which I can see only because I speak Japanese. It's not "On", but "Hon" .. root. Ni-Hon – root of the sun.
HOWEVER!!! … The Hun federation is regarded as the On-ongur (HUN – ongur) and, the organization of Japanese society under the Daimyo and Emperor (all HORSE people as per the historical accounts!!!!) in the 2nd or 3rd century (?) belies the fact that the Japanese elite were previously the Mongols, fleeing from their defeats against the Chinese around the tumultuous period of the Red Cliff, i.e. fall of the Han.
Oh my god…you delegated my last post
I disagree because I live in 600 BC.
Word meanings change all the time…
The Greek Heliopolis had the meaning of “Sun City”.
In Hebrew, it was referred to as “On” [Your Hon]
The major problem was that “Iunu” was actually “Anu”.
“On” and “Anu” were not the same place because “Anu” was Uranus. [Not the planet]
I live in Lahaina which equals “Ra” and “Aina” = Sun Land.
Kama’aina = Children of the Sun.
Our “Kama” relates to the Japanese “Kami”.
I would like to point out that there is also a genetic and a linguistic link between the vikings and the levant.
10% – 33% (number difers between scientists) of the germanic languages has a non indo-european origin. It has been suggested by several scientists that this source is of semitic origin. I personally agree with this, as I myself am trying to look up the origin of several germanic words. The similarities I have found so far are amazing! When it comes to genetics; an important male haplogroup in the Scandinavian area is 'I'. This group is closely linked with the haplogroup 'J' which is very common in Arabs and Jews. Haplogroup 'I' itself is believed to have its origin in the Levant as well.
This was really interesting to read about. I, myself, being Scandinavian I’ve always been fascinated in the culture of Vikings and I would submerge myself in learning as much as I could about them. I recently got into learning about the Phoenicians and when I read about their skills in ships and what they looked like, it immediately reminded me of the Viking ships. Also the fact that there is a strong link to Stonehenge and the Phoenicians! Pretty fascinating to think about! This just concluded my thoughts altogether.
I've been doing dot connecting for years and though I'm no closer to "the truth" (whever that is) I am quite sure that there is something not quite right and too much for mere coincidence. Speaking of coincidence, I find it quite humorous that 1 Kings 6 (in the bible… Kings VI… VIKings.. heh!) is about building Solomon's Temple which used cedar from Tyre. It would be crackpottery to say this was anything other than a coincidence, but I'm not so sure coincidences exist anymore. For example, the US flag with the red and white stripes has a gold-trimmed maritime version which some claim is the flag for the DC-based 'federal' US Corporation who has occupied the White House since 1871. And of course the already mentioned East India company flag in addition to the Lebanese flag, coat of arms, and Phoenician and Viking red/white sails. I don't know about Japan, but I do know that an Irish legend mimics a Japanese legend (Urashaim Taro and Oisin). In both myths, a fairy (probably a water nymph) or princess (from the Sea) falls in love with a main character and takes them to a sea-based "another world" (or under the sea). In both myths the character decides to leave. In the Japanese myth they are given a box and told not to open it. In this Irish version they are given a horse and told not to dismount it. In both versions they find that 300 years have passed and accidentaly open the box/dismount the horse and then age by 300 years. These cultures supposedly had no contact and perhaps they didn't. But some common culture contacted them. Phoencians are part of Irish lore and Japan has a few minor "Israelite" religious parallels.
Viking origins are less mysterious than Phoencian origins, but they are still not as well known as they should be given their influence. It's even more ridiculous with Phoencians. They had colonies as far as Spain, traveled around Africa, and visited the Americas. Yes they visited the Americas and I'm sick of the political correct establishment denying this and their influence and lying about the mummies while refusing to do proper genetic tests (and spin the results to fit the BS Bering Strait bridge theory, a ridiculous theory that cannot explain the fossil record and "opens" anytime they need humans or mammoths to convienantly cross from Asia rather than elsewhere such as… Antarctica. Or from Phoencian ships!)
Well one thing I finally figured out is why this is, why their history is mysterious and surpressed. Phoencians "disappear" around the time the Persians conquer the Levant. They didn't disappear, they simply took on other identities, mainly that of the Jews. The origin of the Jews is just as uncertain and mysterious, yet people are brainwashed into believing this isn't so and they were slaves in Egypt, etc. Phoencians weren't slaves in Egypt. I would conjecture that Phoencians built Memphis and the Giza pyramids. And more recently than canonical history (and not much older like the fringe theories). Herodotus apparently skips over a lot of the dynasties after the 4th one which he says built the pyramids and are hated by locals for being Hyksos (he doesn't say it specifically, but he alludes to it). Hyksos are 15th dynasty though and apparently he skips the 'famous' 19th dynasty and goes almost to the 24th or something like that. The Phoencians are Canannites which is what they called themselves (Khna). Then they became Phoencians. Then they became Jews. Even the Khazar ones. Jews are constantly expelled throughout history but one constant is they are all over the world, something unexplainable by "capitivity" and destroying a temple. Not only that, they are often very powerful, very influential, and very elite despite being persecuted. The persecution comes later after the damage is done.
I'm quite positive even though I don't have the answers that the "powers that be" so-to-speak, who are often "Jewish" and are often said to worship Moloch (Phoencian Hercules Malqart) and what not are and have long been in control of the status quo. The red and white stripes are an insigna if theirs
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There is a legend that the Fullerton clan of Scotland is descended from Phoenician's who shipwrecked off the coast of Norway long ago and intermarried with the vikings who ultimately joined William the Conqueror in the invasion of Britain, perhaps it is these people who intruduced seafaring to the vikings and the reason why there are similarities between these people.
According to the French cronicle – The Franks came from the Asia Minor (being related to the Trojans),their next abode was North of the Black Sea (Sea of Azov),next they moved to Pannonia by the Danube where they created a city called Mesembria(clear thracian name), than they were forced to live and established themselvs by the Rhine River.
According to the Nordic Sagas – All the rulers of the Nordics were Thracians
Prussians are described also as coming from Anatolia and being related to the Trojans
Visigoths = Besi-goths (Jordanes writes in Latin "Vesi" not "Vizi"
Note: Many Thracians and Romans migrated North West where they become Lords,Kings of that populations
The Basque and Catalan regions, these were the bastions of the “Grail” families, this is where the descendants of Jesus and his family, allegedly, lived in the Middle Ages, this was “Grail”-central. Patrice Chaplin has written several books which touch on Rennes-le-Chateau and “the Grail,” which geographically recount her experiences in Gerona, Spain, and its relation to Rennes-le-Chateau in Southern France.
So, what WAS that relation, that connection? The secret elite of Gerona, Spain, owned a tower, the Tour de Magdala, which apparently had some connection to a “Grail”-like experience that could be had by climbing Mt. Conigou. At least two people have died at the peak of Mt. Conigou, trying to replicate this supposed ‘Grail’ experience (apparently, it’s quite dangerous to delve into this stuff without proper instruction).
What’s interesting about all this, is that the House of Hapsburg-Lorraine (the Davidic line of Lorraine, long before merging with that of the Hapsburgs, launched the First Crusade), funded Saunier, the priest of Rennes-le-Chateau. They (the Hapsburgs) were trying to replicate what had been done in Spain, some kind of “Grail” ritual which hinged on geography (Lay-lines?) whereby Rennes-le-Chateau was positioned, perfectly, opposite Gerona (Spain) with respect to Mt. Conigou.
Dear Eric,
Thank u for this article.
I was recently wondering about that. Allow me to add the following similarities along with Tyr = Tyre as you have been saying.
What about Thor and Thor the Geblite (from Gebel, Byblos) or Odin and ADON ?
The striking similarities in ships is amazing.
Could Aesir be a derivation from Ashirai, the Canaanite-Phoenician Mother Goddess of Heaven, also know as the Virgin Lady?
What about Maryām? A name derived from the Phoenician Mort or Mar and Yam, which means Lady of the Sea?
In fact I don’t think there is a relation between the Phoenicians and the Hebrews. The Hebrews are definitely Semite originating from Ur the Chaldean and most probably at the time of the Persian King Cyrus II. However, the Phoenician could be labeled as Hamito-Semitic.
And here comes the biggest revelation. Jesus or Immanuel, which is translated as «El with us» is Phoenician not Jew.
In my latest, «Jesus the Phoenician», I have all this covered.
Please check it here:
Thank u,
Karim El Koussa
Award-Winning Lebanese Author
Karim, I enjoyed reading your comments. So much there, so much I can’t answer, but I’ll respond with what I do (think I) know. First, Thor apparently appears very early in the bloodline at the end of the Trojan era. He predates Odin (Woden?) by many centuries. Two, the “twirling hammer” of Thor is actually a Grail symbol. It represented the “vortex” surrounding the “Grail” – as did the Swastika(!!! – which was stolen from the elven symbology by the Nazis and defiled).
Back then the really advanced tribes were metallurgists – they knew how to get minerals (copper and tin, later iron) out of the ground and make weapons and tools out of it. ‘Aesir,’ some contend, meant “iron” people – in fact I think I mention it in the above post. There’s another alleged link between the Aesir and the tribe of Ashur. (Could be, dunnoh, maybe the two just sound a lot alike.)
But, we can say with come confidence that who we call the Vikings were once led by “elven,” grail-practicing rulers, and that they were pushed aside by Caucasian warriors. Why? Because in Scandinavia the growing season was too short and the Vikings got into the habit of raiding foreign lands (and trading) to make up for it. For this kind of a life, your ideal leader was a fearsome warrior king – not an “elf.”
Who is Maryām? I’m curious – that’s definitely a “grail-maiden” name.
You are on the right track … the Vikings were once led by an enlightened caste which traces (allegedly) right back to the Troad, to Arcadia and to the bloodline of Judah (via Darda/Dardanus). Mt. Ida, there are two of these-named mountains, one on Crete and one in western Anatolia, are the Greek rendering of Mt. Judah. (I’d bet my life on it.)
99% of your linguistics is utterly incorrect. Please, spend an hour or two by reading some Wikipedia on basic Indo-European linguistics, etymology, diachronics. You obviously have passion, that's evident in your well-written & interesting blog. Just go to my blog's internal searchengine, look up "Odin", Thor Heyerdahl, 'Homer in the Baltic', Snorri Stúrluson". You constantly compare apples to oranges. In late (Eddic/classic, c. 13th century) WESTERN oldnorse, a northgermanic language, in turn a member of the indoeuropeanlinguistic) macrophylum The word "æsir" is the nominative-plural of the nom.sgl. "áss". It has utterly (i would bet my life on this, even at the risk of being slowley flayed, impale, etc!) no, ZERO connection be it borrowed, passively gleaned from, copied, osmotically or be it by cognacity, linguistic-genetic relatedness to any of the aforementioned words in your article. The Proto-Germanic "PGmc" (c. 50 BC) would be pretty damn close to *asuz for "áss" & *ansiwīz for "æsir". It comes from a PIE root *ansos. Some of its cognate reflexes in other IE tongues, "ahura" as in ancient indo-iranian (also indoeuropean "IE"), meaning good as in the "Avestan Gathas". Zarathustra, Ahura Mazda. Genetically nearer cognates, all Gmc, gothic, ansuz, pl. ansijis (gothic had yet to undergo typical Gmc umlaut/i-shift [man/men, tooth/teeth, sw. man/män, tand/tänder, ger. "ich spreche/er spricht". I'll write more later. You should learn some basic historical Gmc & IE soundchange-law, like Grimm"s law, Verners Law, the "comparative-method" for reconstructing unattested IE etyma. Ken
I think you should read theses Anatoly Fomenko, indicating that the timing of the official history has been manipulated by the Church.
Also, they should know more closely the story of hidden mystery and Western Europe: Septimania. It was part of Aquitaine and was a land of Kabbalists, Cathars, Templars and the root of the true founder of the Order of Saint Benedict.
The Catalan flag, and later the Crown of Aragon, was identical to the flag of the Vikings and the Phoenicians. His ships were also equivalent.
On the figure of Count of Barcelona is the dignity of the king of Jerusalem, for centuries.
The myth of Mary Magdalene also comes from Septimania. A mystery hidden their land immortalized by the novel The Da Vinci Code.
This is, in my opinion, the key that is missing to finish the puzzle composed so well exposed.
The Phoenicians spread to Europe and around the world, as a culture linked to the Pharaohs of Egypt and the Roman Empire never existed nor Greek empire. Romans and Greeks were the Phoenicians, Carthaginians and Catalan, Vikings, and especially sailors and traders until the fifteenth century.
Under the imprint of the Phoenicians was born Jewish people and the Christian people, and Fatimids and Septimania (Phoenicians) drove the First Crusade. Then, Catholicism and Islam spread and competed among themselves, erasing traces of Fatimid and Septimania. It destroyed the Knights Templar, the Cathars, Occitan, Carthage, and later, Catalonia and Aragon.
In this connection, written in Catalan, tell this story, if you are interested. Is the result of years of research work:
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Enclosed is the coat of arms of the Royal Navy Amirall the King of Aragon.
It is accurate to the flag of the Phoenicians and Vikings.
Behind the Legend is a hidden and mysterious history. A mystery also has its own Columbus. Bernat II of Vilamari was the most respected person to lead the discovery of America, but its reputation has been deleted by the Spanish historiography, in the same way that the origin of Columbus is a mystery.
The occupation of Egypt by the Ottomans in 1512 changed the history of Europe and of humanity. The first thing he did was hide Christians ties with Egypt and the Phoenician root domain of the sea.